Mastering the Power of Self-Hypnosis

A practical guide to self-empowerment – second edition

By: Roy Hunter


Products specifications
Attribute name Attribute value
Size: 182mm x 222mm
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9781845904654
Format: PaperbackAudio CD
Published: March 2011

Some books tell you what to change in order to change your life. This one tells you how!

The secret to success lies deeply buried in the unconscious, and one of the world’s foremost hypnotherapists will show you point by point how to make a commitment to change, get motivated and alter the ingrained negative ‘programming’ that’s holding you back. See why willpower alone won’t work – and see why self-hypnosis can teach your subconscious to cooperate with your desires. With this self-hypnosis handbook, you’ll learn innovative empowerment exercises that teach relaxation, stress management, overcoming insomnia and establishing priorities.

Avoid the ‘failure trap’ by clearing psychic obstacles. ‘Creatively’ daydream to stop smoking, lose weight and improve job performance, memory, study habits and more. Add on the proper use of affirmations and fine-tune the ability of language to heal or harm. Find out the four important trance ingredients (imagination, belief, expectancy and conviction) and use the practical tips on how to build them up and employ them in your journey into self-hypnosis.

Picture for author Roy Hunter

Roy Hunter

Roy Hunter, MS, Cht, teaches professional hypnosis and advanced techniques for professionals and teaches self hypnosis to groups and clients for personal or professional motivation. He was specially selected to carry on the work of the late Charles Tebbetts. He was awarded a PhD from Alpha University and California University with a major in clinical hypnotherapy.


  1. Hi all again.
    My question is:
    What you think about next american president?
    Just interesting :)
  2. The book as well as the idea that “trance has a valid place in the world today for all who desire to improve themselves, whether personally, professionally or spiritually” (p 210) gives a deserved place to working with hypnosis and self-hypnosis, utilizing the benefits of trance. Other motivating ideas can be “be the captain of your subconscious programming and send your mind-ship at warp speed toward your dreams” (p 211)
    One main idea worked out is the -˜subconscious programming' telling that we can't just erase but that we must record a new program over the old and replace it. The next important pillar of the book's theory is about gateways to the subconscious based on his late mentor Charles Tebbets' teaching. Repetition, authority, desire for Identity, hypnosis/self-hypnosis and emotion are represented as 5 gateways to the subconscious. Self-hypnosis in combination with positive emotion is recommended for -˜success' and control over negative emotions and a means to have impact on the subconscious programming.
    Readers get basic information on hypnosis and some ways to practice on their own to enter trance as the book promotes self-hypnosis, giving indications for it without omitting limits of it, and showing where professional help is indicated. A useful self-help part of the book is the -˜motivation map', with an overview of the ingredients in chapter 7 and a detailed workout in the appendix for smokers and for weight reduction. I support the importance of seeing where a smoker wanting to quit is on the motivational scale and the motivational power of monitoring progress in motivation to quit.
    The way to succeed in changes is metaphorically represented as -˜planning the journey', with one of the first steps clearing obstacles. As what you focus on enlarges, maybe not the first step to take, but anyway an important one to open up the way to change. By there you as a reader are already made familiar with some progressive relaxation and hypnosis exercises and discovered your personal style? Maybe you have listened to the CD as additional help or maybe made your own recording? The deep in my opinion forced -˜hypnotic voice' with numerous repetitions of -˜deep', deeper, very deep, rather induces sleep, and inactivity than creative or active work with hypnosis. Anyway you are invited to enter the -˜rehearsal room of your mind' where you can practice when faced with situations that -˜trigger your buttons' and learn or rehearse to making choices between expressing, rehearsing how to express, or release and let go. A full script of the recorded CD gives readers the choice to make their own recording with their own voice or the voice of a friend they prefer.
    Empowerment, mentioned in the script as “activate your power point ” is achieved by reliving a personal success experience found -˜in the storehouse of your mind-¦.'. Next steps in the journey are finding goals and prioritizing goals. An original mathematical formula, comparing one goal with all the others, one by one and finding the priority must let you know where to start. This would give surprising results, and help every doubtful reader with decision making problems on track.
    Part IV -” Creative Daydreaming -” is introduced by some -˜salesman' techniques talking about selling success to your subconscious -” -˜WII-FM or What's In It For Me' (p.149) and -˜buying the benefits of change before trying to sell the price of change' (p. 150). The most powerful self-hypnosis exercise for empowerment is clearly explained in the creative daydreaming and the different steps to follow: to select a particular goal, imagine you have reached the goal, the five senses involved, creating a positive emotional bond with that state, making you feel empowered to give up or replace an older bond. This method is illustrated in smoking cessation, weight reduction, sports enhancement, memory and study habits.
    The journey is completed with adding words of power, affirmations and suggestions. One could critically examine the idea that -˜affirmations, hypnotic suggestions and/or autosuggestions should be constructed to convince the subconscious mind of the possibility of what the conscious mind already accepts' as stated here. Perhaps at the level of self-hypnosis or symptomatic work one can see it like that. In my opinion many problems have roots at subconscious or unconscious level that needs to be accessed in therapeutic hypnosis to make changes at the roots or at a deeper level, followed by changes in conscious conceptualization.
    Personal experiences and success stories can be important motivators to convey ideas and methods. In this book the author shows how he himself and clients are helped with (self) hypnosis in reaching goals, improving self-image, overcoming adversity, becoming successful. In some passages you rather encounter the side of the -˜business man', emphasizing success than the -˜hypnotherapist', in other passages religion as a resource is clearly present, reflected in a preaching style with citations from the bible.
    I appreciate the way readers are guided in self-hypnosis with its possibilities and limits, and where necessary getting advice for hypnotherapy and/or professional -˜parts therapy'.
    More scientifically oriented readers might regret the simplification and misconception of the state of hypnosis, being simply equalized with an alpha state of mind, falling asleep and meditation. In the history of hypnosis I found information or interpretations different from what I read in other professional writings. The cynical tone telling “a great blessing that the good doctor could not control his subjects, otherwise hypnosis might be totally controlled by psychologists and/or medical professions” (p37) shows some lack of respect for the search and work of pioneers in hypnosis. The book is written in common language, focusing on some easy to convey concepts and theories for a general public. Psychological theories or insights are simplified, sometimes reduced to an all too simplistic view (-˜clean plate suggestion's to explain weight problems later in life). The book may be recommended as introductory reading for a general non-critical public. Professionals with a medical and psychological background might find it an oversimplification of scientifically based work with hypnosis.

  3. “Mastering the Power of Self-Hypnosis” by C Roy Hunter proved to be both interesting & informative. Roy Hunter's style is easy to follow, written by someone of great experience in the field of Hypnosis who obviously feels great passion for this subject & its use.
    It is a book suitable for all levels, from students just starting out to practitioners with more experience. The language is kept simple & as free from jargon as possible, in doing so, although some academics may question some of the theoretical explanations & his occasional choice of words, the overall meaning comes across very clearly & effectively.
    The book really does what it says, structured to guide the reader through the various stages, using his own cases as examples where appropriate.
    The first section prepares the reader for what to expect from the book, making it clear that, providing one is prepared to put in the effort & follow the instructions & exercises, it is possible to make real changes in thoughts, feelings & behaviour.
    This is followed by a thoughtful discussion of what Hypnosis is & is not & what Hypnosis can help one achieve, with Roy's interpretation of some of the theory & science of Hypnosis.
    The section on the history & development of Hypnosis is very thorough & goes on to provide some insight into the present status of Hypnosis & its use in therapy today.
    The chapter on self-hypnosis may at first seem brief, but as one moves through the successive sections it becomes apparent that there is ample information & instruction on the subject of self-hypnosis.
    These sections continue, in a clear & practical manner, to offer straightforward ideas to train & enhance our ability to use our minds much more powerfully & effectively. The reader is guide through various issues, such as smoking cessation, weight control & performance enhancement in sports, business & social circumstances, with clear instructions & relevant case studies to illustrate where necessary.
    Finally, there are various scripts & charts, as well as advice on seeking professional help. Furthermore, the book comes with an audio C.D. to help with relaxation & stress relief.
    In conclusion, I found the book well worth reading, at times stimulating & thought provoking. Although offering help for most issues, it does not claim to be all one would ever need to use Hypnosis. The book would most benefit people looking to use self-hypnosis to help with personal change, but contains plenty to interest clinicians using hypnosis.
  4. What does getting hypnotized mean? For a non-scientific mind it is nothing short of black-magic, getting into a surreal trance, doing unbelievable things, utmost human power and control over another person; in simpler words making a robot out of others or himself in this case as the book is about self-hypnosis and autosuggestions in the tradition of Hypnotherapist Cuoe.

    For Roy Hunter this is only a mythical popular concept of hypnosis; to get hypnotized is to get into a little different sort of mental state and interaction with another person. It is like strongly agreeing in a communicative atmosphere where suggestions are readily accepted without friction or criticism, a sort of emotional deeper communication level where the objective is not to convince oneself logically but to persuade and motivate emotionally without elaborate justifications. For the author, getting hypnotized is to respond emotionally even when we know that at another conscious level it may sound totally unreal. When watching a movie we respond to all its laughter and cries instantly but deep down we are aware that it is just a movie and nothing more. So does the hypnotized person know it is just a passing movement of intense emotional communication which will alter in no time, without a trace or memory in future? Similar to the trance created by music and poetry, no wonder Plato thought music has the power to possess people like they people who need exorcism.

    From a scientific viewpoint, we know that our brains works by discharging waves and these waves can be measured by EEG (Electroencephalograph) in terms of it frequency; waves discharge like ECG of a heart where we measure functions. Brain waves of 13 and above per second mean we are in normal mode waking, usually in high gear, reasoning, talking and calculating called the Beta state. But at frequency between 8-13 EEG we are in Alpha state, where we are usually lost in imagination, inactive and relax, in a sort of daydreaming mode just like when we are in the middle of a long flight with nothing to do. Below 8 EEG we sleep in the Delta state and further down in Theta state of deep sleep where all conscious functions stop except heart, breathing and other vital processes. All this may sound medical-mysticism initially but is logical and in accordance with common place observations.

    Part of the book discusses the historical progression of the concept of hypnotism and its use for public amusement on the stage; famous names like Franz Mesmer are quoted by the author who happens to be the ancestor in the family tree. For those who wish to read history, this part has useful information. In an impressive chapter author focuses on how people can get out of negative subconscious programming in addiction healing, common challenges of quitting alcohol and smoking etc are discussed in detail. The subconscious slipping down into the old state of affairs is usually the greatest danger for an addict. We have triggers and anchors and we must undo them at the subconscious level first before we change irreversibly. We can change at the surface and then fall back easily into old addictions cycle.

    The last part of the book is about positive self-communication and the use of affirmative language in auto suggestions. It is always nice to use active verbs with positive emotional connotations according to the author. Words always rebound back and make things happen around us. Advice of the author is to “remain careful in what we say”, I can't agree with him more on this. I recommend the book for everyone who has interest in positive psychology.
  5. Roy Hunter is well-known in hypnotherapy circles. He is a widely-read author and sought-after speaker who diligently continues the work and teaching of the late Charles Tebbetts, considered by many to be a grand master of hypnotherapy. Hunter is also a practicing hypnotherapist who, since 1987, has taught Diversified Client-Centered Hypnosis at Tacoma Community College in Washington. His books are required reading at schools of hypnosis around the world. He was inducted into the International Hypnosis Hall of Fame in 2000 and has received honors from national and international hypnotherapy organizations. With Crown House Publishing, he has recently released new editions of The Art of Hypnosis, The Art of Hypnotherapy, and Mastering the Power of Self-Hypnosis. Together, these three volumes form a comprehensive home-study course on hypnosis for both professional hypnotherapists and lay readers.

    The third book in the trilogy, Mastering the Power of Self-Hypnosis, is an instruction manual for real and lasting behavioral change, through reprogramming the subconscious mind for health and personal success. Hunter teaches readers how to enter trance and how to create change via the “gateways” of the subconscious mind.

    Hunter tells us that habits, both good and bad, are formed when the subconscious accepts a powerful belief. Such beliefs enter the subconscious through five gateways: repetition, authority, identity, hypnosis, and emotion. Hunter describes how to combine these gateways into a compelling package called a “motivation map” that makes change nearly inevitable. Hunter also teaches the mental tools that make self-hypnosis effective: induction, affirmations linked to key words, relaxation, mental rehearsal, visualization, and positive emotions.

    Hunter tells readers how to formulate and prioritize goals, and then how to use self-hypnosis to identify and release self-imposed obstacles, visualize the benefits of accomplishment, activate positive emotions, and mentally rehearse the actions needed. The applications in this book include stress management, smoking cessation, weight reduction, sales motivation, improved job performance, and sports enhancement.

    The CD that accompanies the book features two hypnotic sessions with Hunter. One is a stress management session for coping with “people who push your buttons.” The other is a deep relaxation training session in which the listener envisions a peaceful place of rest and tranquility-
    The three books are thorough and well-written in straightforward, easy-to-understand language. Case examples bring home the major points quite well.

    The three-volume set is an excellent starting place for beginners and a good review for experienced professionals.
  6. This second edition of Roy Hunter`s book is a comprehensive, practical and stimulating guide to the use of self-hypnosis as a means of personal transformation. The author`s decades of experience shine through in the depth and breadth of his coverage of the subject. He has the knack of making somewhat complex processes simple to follow through a `home-spun`, light-hearted writing style, in which key points are illustrated by real-life examples. The sections on gateways to the subconscious, motivational mapping and the correct use of affirmations are particularly outstanding. It is one of those rare books on hypnosis which serves equally well as an introduction for the novice and a dependable reference guide for the practicing hypnotist. It is highly recommended..
  7. `This is one of the few books about empowerment and achievement that reveals the true secret of success: Change that occurs at the unconscious level changes lives forever. Roy Hunter shows you how to do this in a specific step-by-step process. This book is a gold mine of useful information that takes you to the next level. Mastering the Power of Self-Hypnosis has earned my highest recommendation. Buy this book. It will change your life.`
  8. Roy Hunter`s book is a masterful book that is a must-read for anyone who wants to learn the art of self-hypnosis. Straight-forward, easy to read and practical to use, Hunter has put together valuable and constructive information that can be used by all to improve their lives.

    Hunter has done it again with this new work. The only difference is that this time he has focussed on the needs of the individual rather than the professional. This is truly a step-by-step guide to self-hypnosis and includes scripts and tips that can be used in a number of situations that we all find ourselves in from time to time - whether that be stress reduction, motivation, confidence, memory recall or even help with habits like weight or smoking. It really is a dip in and take what you need type of book.

    It`s fabulous and I highly recommend it for all who would like to learn the skill of self-hypnosis.
  9. It is not often that one comes across a book which will be of such great use both to individuals who wish to improve their own lives and to professionals who wish to help others to do so. Roy Hunter`s explanations of theory and technique, coupled with his approachable writing style make this such a book. His explanation of the use of positive visualisation and affirmations serve to enhance the confidence-boosting effects of the methods he describes. This volume will also be an invaluable aid to those studying to become professional hypnotherapists and to those who are newly-qualified. One of the most comprehensive guides I have come across in recent years.
  10. Roy Hunter has written another authoritative and engaging book, Mastering the Power of Self-Hypnosis; this time it is a rewrite of an earlier book on Self Hypnosis that I somehow missed first time around. What an excellent book this is!

    It has an enormous amount to offer many different types of reader; the person who wants to learn self hypnosis, of course will find it invaluable and will need no other. The hypnosis clinician, whether a novice or of many years standing, will find nuggets to include in their own hypnotic work which will enhance their effectiveness and increase their positive results. This book is absolutely ideal too for the clinician about to embark on giving a course on self hypnosis. Everything you need is here, fully and systematically explained with lots of interesting, illustrative examples both from Hunter`s personal self-hypnosis experience and also that of his countless clients and trainees.

    There is an excellent, interesting and informative chapter on the origins of hypnosis for those who like to understand how it all began. For those who can`t wait to get started on their personal journey, and Hunter certainly creates a wonderful sense of eagerness, he directs them immediately to the chapters full of the practical steps of learning.

    Hunter not only explains how and why self hypnosis works but also why it sometimes doesn`t work and the pitfalls to avoid. This is invaluable and is an area not often addressed by other writers, I believe. The very good section concerning earlier suggestions from perceived authority figures, possibly deeply embedded in the unconscious mind, alerts the reader to important work that needs to be done before newer suggestions can be accepted. There are no unrealistic claims that self hypnosis is the one and only answer to all life`s problems (although he rightly reassures us that it can be the answer to very many of them) so, very properly, the reader is also advised when it might be more appropriate to seek professional help.

    This book is full of insights, self hypnosis practice activities, scripts, powerful triggers, motivational mapping tools, stress relievers, and so much more. Do read it-¦you will be so glad you did!
  11. Roy Hunter is one of the most highly respected professional hypnotherapists of our time. As well as being a prominent author he also teaches professional hypnosis and advanced techniques for professionals and self hypnosis to groups and clients for both personal and professional motivation. His mentor was the late Charles Tebbets whose work still gives him inspiration and a firm foundation upon which to build in his own inimical way.

    Master the Power of Self Hypnosis is the best book on self hypnosis out there today. The book is an excellent read as it is written by an expert communicator - clear, concise, informative and immensely readable as the author puts so much of himself into the book.

    Many books are dry text books which one reads because one feels one ought to and one comes to the end of the reading with some relief and, very often, with as many questions as you have had answers! This book is written with such clarity and dynamic that it draws you into itself and takes you on an investigation into self-hypnosis that answers ones questions and gives the necessary confidence to use It an unparalleled way.

    Whether you are a professional or a layman this book is for you. It can be clearly understood by all who read it as the author leaves no stone unturned. This is an honest work and his own use of personal anecdotes helps reinforce this honesty and immediacy. It is a must for anyone who uses or wishes to use hypnosis.

    It was a delight to read a book which was entirely jargon-free. If anything needed to be explained then there were full explanations at every level. Every necessary step was explained fully so that one travelled through the book with confidence. Indeed the book`s clarity of content makes it one of the best practical guides that I have come across in 20 years of working in this field. The book is a truly masterful presentation of the fundamentals of self-hypnosis and of its associated techniques. This is a book that not only tells you what to change in order to change your own life in whatever way you desire, but actually tells you how to do it, step by step, point by point.

    Within this book you learn the art and the power of self-hypnosis learning how to teach that most powerful part of you, the subconscious, to cooperate with your desires. The book reminds you that willpower will not work on its own. I have often said this to patients and have added that ones emotion and imagination is of more value than attempting to succeed with willpower alone. The author puts my thoughts into practice and shows you how to do just the same.

    The empowerment exercises within this book are powerful, to say the least. They are fun to try out and they are powerful in their action. Throughout the book different empowerment exercises will be outlined for you to deal with such items as teaching relaxation, stress management, overcoming sleep problems. You are taught the vital yet often ignored skill of establishing clear priorities before you actually begin. Indeed, the author helps the reader to ensure that potential failure can be avoided by this clarity of preparation.

    Of great interest is the section on creative daydreaming to stop smoking, lose weight, improve performance, etc. Prepare correctly, prioritise wisely, fine tune your use of language and learn the importance and relevance of affirmation, belief, expectancy and conviction and take on board the many suggestions the author makes and you will be in a position to journey on into the world of self-hypnosis and bring about changes such as you have not experienced before.

    Here is the way ahead for you. I recommend it wholeheartedly to all who wish to gain the full benefit from self-hypnosis through which you WILL make the positive changes that you seek

    Roy Hunter is one of the most gifted guides that I have come across. He writes with first-hand knowledge, deep understanding of the subject, conviction but also with undeniable humanity which helps make this book special!

    This book receives my very highest endorsement. It is a book that no person interested in using self-hypnosis can afford to be without. It will not be a book on the shelf but on the desk as it will be a constantly used reference and inspiration.
  12. Roy Hunter`s writings, without exception, show a deep and passionate belief in his work, and in the power of the subconscious mind to effect change. This book carries on this tradition in style. Just one look at the contents shows the reader that they are about to go on a journey of discovery into the world of mastering change through the use of creative hypnotic strategies.

    From the first chapter he delivers what he tells you he will, showing you how this book will help you, not just telling you that it will. This does what every great book should do, which is put you into the right `frame` of mind before you start, which is where the most profound subconscious learning takes place. Roy further educates the reader in the states of the mind which enable this change to take place, giving a real sense of solidity in his message, backed up by scientific means.

    A journey back into the roots of hypnosis shows a colourful array of historical figures involved in the shaping of the modern day use of hypnosis and in particular `hypnotherapy` which, apart from being a fascinating historical account, adds to the weight of this book as a `must read` for anybody seriously wanting to be informed from the top into the subject.

    We are then introduced to the `gateways` into effective change and just what needs to be taken into account for ultimate transformation to take place. I have long been convinced that hypnosis alone is not enough, that to make a real difference, a process of education needs to occur, and Roy offers the reader just that, a step by step process of what needs to happen to help somebody achieve what they desire. Exercises in planning, `clearing` and pure plain `mental muscle` help this process take effect and become part of the how to change that Roy promises at the start of this book.

    The book continues with the power of `daydreaming`, helping the reader appreciate at a conscious level just how powerful the book`s message is and how important it is to address what one allows to journey through their mind from moment to moment. My own love of linguistics is captured in the exquisite way Roy educates us to the power of words, to a depth I have not seen in one book before.

    Finally, if it wasn`t enough to tell us in such a powerful way `how` to use hypnosis to its fullest extent, as he promised he would, Roy offers further ideas as to what to do with this knowledge once it is acquired.

    I have had the pleasure of being in some of Roy`s master classes a few years ago in California, and was impressed by the depth of his knowledge back then. More so I was mesmerised by the pure joy and passion he has in his work. This book is a real gem, and one which shows his commitment to the profession like few can or do. It will go to the top of our College`s reading list without doubt.

    If you really want to know your stuff in the world of hypnosis and Empowerment, look no further than Master the Power of Self Hypnosis.

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