Lynda Hudson, Clinical Hypnotherapist. Specialises in Children`s Problems. Author of `Scripts and Strategies in Hypnotherapy with Children` & `More Scripts and Strategies in Hypnotherapy` (for adults) BA (Hons) Psych D Hyp DBSCH D Strss Mgmnt
Roy Hunter has written another authoritative and engaging book, Mastering the Power of Self-Hypnosis; this time it is a rewrite of an earlier book on Self Hypnosis that I somehow missed first time around. What an excellent book this is!

It has an enormous amount to offer many different types of reader; the person who wants to learn self hypnosis, of course will find it invaluable and will need no other. The hypnosis clinician, whether a novice or of many years standing, will find nuggets to include in their own hypnotic work which will enhance their effectiveness and increase their positive results. This book is absolutely ideal too for the clinician about to embark on giving a course on self hypnosis. Everything you need is here, fully and systematically explained with lots of interesting, illustrative examples both from Hunter`s personal self-hypnosis experience and also that of his countless clients and trainees.

There is an excellent, interesting and informative chapter on the origins of hypnosis for those who like to understand how it all began. For those who can`t wait to get started on their personal journey, and Hunter certainly creates a wonderful sense of eagerness, he directs them immediately to the chapters full of the practical steps of learning.

Hunter not only explains how and why self hypnosis works but also why it sometimes doesn`t work and the pitfalls to avoid. This is invaluable and is an area not often addressed by other writers, I believe. The very good section concerning earlier suggestions from perceived authority figures, possibly deeply embedded in the unconscious mind, alerts the reader to important work that needs to be done before newer suggestions can be accepted. There are no unrealistic claims that self hypnosis is the one and only answer to all life`s problems (although he rightly reassures us that it can be the answer to very many of them) so, very properly, the reader is also advised when it might be more appropriate to seek professional help.

This book is full of insights, self hypnosis practice activities, scripts, powerful triggers, motivational mapping tools, stress relievers, and so much more. Do read it-¦you will be so glad you did!
Guest | 10/02/2011 00:00
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