Improve Your Writing with NLP

By: Judith E. Pearson PhD


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Size: 234 x 156mm
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9781845908614
Format: Paperback
Published: July 2013

This timely book details the Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) strategies that can transform a tentative, novice writer into a passionate, productive dynamo, adapting the resourceful states, beliefs, cognitive strategies and behaviours of highly accomplished writers. If you are new to the game of writing, if you feel intimidated by a blank page, if you have ever started a writing project but run out of steam, then this book is for you.

Your guide is Dr. Judith E. Pearson, an NLP Trainer and author of three books on NLP and over 200 published articles and reviews. Through the magic of NLP you’ll discover the thinking patterns and cognitive strategies of accomplished writers. You’ll learn the writing process from beginning to end – from romancing your idea to ruthless editing and revision – and you’ll learn strategies for overcoming writer’s block.

The secret to great writing lies in learning how to alternate between three mindsets: Dreamer, Realist and Critic. The author will tell you exactly how to get into each mindset and how to apply it. This book will teach you the NLP models for creativity, tenacity and meticulous attention to detail. Read this book and you’ll know how to write persuasively, hypnotically and prolifically.

Click here to view the Improve Your Writing with NLP downloadable worksheets.

​Click here to read Judith E. Pearson’s full article in the Business Coaching Journal, titled: “Put POWER Behind Your Writing.”

Picture for author Judith E. Pearson PhD

Judith E. Pearson PhD

Dr Judy Pearson is a free spirit, pursuing all the things she loves to do. After decades of working as a project manager, employee assistance program provider, and a psychotherapist, today she is an author, freelance writer and copy editor, She has published four books (three with Crown House Publishing Ltd.) and over 200 articles, reviews, and interviews in magazines, newsletters and blogs.

She is currently a co-editor for the Trafalgar Chronicle, the international research journal of The 1805 Club; copyeditor for the online International Journal of Naval History of the Naval Historical Society, Washington, D.C., and a frequent contributor to the newsletter for the Naval Order of the United States. She works privately with non-fiction authors to edit and refine their manuscripts and with publishers to edit galley proofs.


  1. Storytelling, writing, communication are every day and essential skills for learning and lubricating our lives and relationships. This book analyses and guides the would-be author on his journey into putting pen to paper.

    Pearson gives detailed advice about learning writing skills. Her book is well written and makes a lot of sense. Perseverance is needed to work through all its contents. A part time, would-be author may well be daunted by such a task. Nevertheless, he would probably benefit if he perseveres.
  2. Great news! For all the aspiring, insecure, wishful future writers, the cavalry has finally arrived - in the form of the ultimate "how-to" manual to put your writing ambitions and dreams into the written word! In her latest book, Improve Your Writing with NLP, Judith Pearson, Ph.D., has combined all of her knowledge and expertise in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (or NLP) with her well-developed skills and enthusiasm about writing into an easy to read, step-by-step guidebook.

    You will be introduced to the important concepts of the NLP in the service of creating positive mindsets, overcoming negative and limiting beliefs that prevent you from succeeding, and specific steps to follow to get your ideas on the written page and into publication. Everything flows logically from the important premise that you are capable of doing anything you put your mind and energy to accomplishing. In the first part of the book, you are encouraged to plan out your writing project so you have the best chance of succeeding. This is in some ways, the most clarifying part of your effort. Once you have the advantage of this mental exercise, you will have a "North Star" with which to evaluate how well you are accomplishing your mission, and to celebrate your progress.

    Improve Your Writing With NLP utilizes information and strategies from some of the most experienced and well known NLP trainers and authors such as L. Michael Hall, Richard Bolstadt, Steve and Connirae Andreas, and John Burton. It combines the "NLP P.O.W.E.R. Process" developed by Dixie Elise Hickman and Sid Jacobson with the "Disney Creativity Model" proposed by Robert Dilts as foundations for writing and revising. It is easy to remember and even easier to put to use! You get wonderful examples of creating interesting and attention grabbing writing styles, including stories, shifting your perceptions to creativity, hypnotic language patterns, as well as how to receive feedback and criticism constructively.

    Judy has included complete and relevant chapter worksheets so you can have a personal journal record of your progress in putting her suggestions to work. One of the best aspects of this book is that you don't feel left out on your own when you finish a chapter. The chapter exercises make the concepts real and relevant to your writing goals. They are also lots of fun!

    You use your imagination and higher consciousness to create your future self as a writer. It is such a complete guide to using your inner wisdom, your professional knowledge, intense motivation to get your information to readers, you will be excited about starting - and finishing. In addition, you get a wonderful resource to the power of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Your creative, future self will have confidence, enthusiasm, and a commitment to the writing process. A winning combination!

    Get this wonderful tutorial NOW - and begin your writing adventure!
  3. Writing a book about writing is perhaps one of the more challenging books to write, because it really puts you in a position of 'practicing what you preach' and having it in a book for everyone to judge whether it really works! Indeed Judith Pearson does an excellent job at this with this highly readable and informative book.
    Improve your writing with NLP is an excellent guide to helping any writer improve their skills in all stages. From the start Judith Pearson introduces NLP and how it can help a writer using the Neurological Levels model to help the reader understand how writing is not just about 'doing' but also about beliefs and identity. The material is presented in a way that would appeal to both people with NLP experience and also those without.
    She then introduces the POWER Process (developed by Dixie Elise Hickman & Sid Jacobson, 1997) which explores the mechanics of writing and then combines this with the Disney Creativity Model to work more on the mindset of the writer. This helps guide the reader through all the stages important before putting pen to paper as well as being able to take a meta-position to help critically examine what is being written.
    Judith then explores other important areas such as writer's block and gives some useful strategies for overcoming it as well as ways to help get a 'dreamer' to take action and actually get something written! As is often said, everyone has a book in them - however most people never get down to writing it! She talks about using the New Behaviour Generator to help get into the 'behaviour' of writing an get motivated doing it. This version of the New Behaviour Generator is perhaps one of the few techniques that is possibly made a little overly complex, particularly for someone reading without much NLP experience.
    Judith then offers some excellent ways to critically assess your work before trying to get it published and also how to use language 'hypnotically' to appeal to your reader. At the end of the book are several pages of useful worksheets to help you put into action all the strategies and steps needed to get your work written.
    Throughout the book the style of writing made reading it easy and compelling.
    Anyone who has ever thought about writing a book would really benefit from reading this - it could be the key to turning a long thought about dream into reality!
  4. The author of several books and NLP practitioner Judith Pearson helps you work through your strategies and patterns to uncover the writer within you. Basically, if you haven't written your book yet you are using the wrong strategy and unresourceful states of behaviour which leads to writer's block and procrastination.
    Judith helps you uncover these incorrect states and strategies and gives you a choice of several NLP processes, so you can choose the one ( or more) that suit you best helping you change in to more resourceful states and strategies that will help you get your book written.
    Judith covers all aspects of writing from the formal approach to the creative; how to be a realist and get the job done; how to write prolifically; getting beyond writer's block and more.
    I thoroughly recommend this book to new writers and those who are already writing want to improve.
  5. If you're a budding writer or if you've started writing a book and just somehow never quite got around to finishing it, then this is the book you must get. Ms Pearson has a motivating style and certainly grabs your attention in the pages of this book. It is based on Sid Jacobson's The Power Process but brings it into the 21st century and I really like it. With chapters on how to overcome writer's block and how to edit your own work effectively I think that this is well worth buying if you ever thought about writing your own book.
  6. "Even though I regard myself as a beginning writer with much to learn, I can attest that NLP has been a huge help. That's what I want to share with you." Thus, this book.

    This book ranges from inuitionist flow, voice, the hypnotic and similar how-to-write topics to rationalist modalities such as steps, lists, Skinnerian "chunk it down into smaller steps," and workbook exercises. How are you, the reader, to decide if this book is compatible. You could look for it in a bookstore and assess it, but even then without doing what the book asks you to do, it's just a guess how you will react to it. Or you could dump all this if you are writing a novel and just do what Philip Roth does; write it without knowing where you are going so that even your curiosity will stay alive finding out what is going to happen much as the reader does.

    Pearson starts with an explanation of what NLP is by way of her personal journey. Next she asks you

    to sense how it feels to be a writer both by external environmental support for your effort and by examining the inner environment of your capacity, indentification with the role, and desire to communicate. She employs various models and methods to work through the task of self-expression: the POWER (Preview, Organize, Write, Evaluate, Revise) model; the overarching Disney Creativity model passing through "stage-roles" of Dreamer, Realist, and Critic; use of decision-trees, mindmaps, and storyboards in the Dreamer phase; realistic methods to "blast past writer's block"; staying on task with tricks like the NLP Godiva Chocolate pattern and meeting your future published-author self; writing for the reader; getting feedback and facing the Critic with methods like the NLP Meta Model, followed by writing hypnotically and prolifically. Appendices include chapter worksheets. There is an adequate list of references. Not quite a baker's dozen of chapter mottoes will offer something pithy for everyone.

    Some writing experts see presumably negative experiences, such as "writer's block," as in fact a creative lying-fallow when not otherwise a fear of criticism or failure (11). Similarly, Pearson suggests that every problematic behavior is motivated by positive intent and that "failure" is feedback. She peppers the book as well with the stock of tips for writers: collect ideas, keep a journal, write playfully, brainstorm, speed-write, jump around in your outline, write in one-hour blocks, use words that appeal to different senses (88), in addition to much more systematic left-brained activities. Specificity and precision are important lessons NLPers wish to suggest, as the Meta model (175-80) makes clear.

    The writing style is breezy and accessible, with a rare run-on sentence and an occasional illogicality:

    (140) "He . . . has authored . . . seminars. . . ." and (136) "By learning what prolific writers do, you can copy their methods and approach their level of acumen." Does prolific writing or its imitation produce mental sharpness?

    "Writing is a way of connecting with others by sharing one's passion. It's a way of influencing others through the impetus of an idea. It's a way of fulfilling your purpose." (146) If this book is for you, it might be time to take up the lance and slay the Dragon of Fear.
  7. When people find out I have written over 30 books, they often confess to me that they have always wanted to write a book. But wanting to write a book is common -” writing a book, less so.
    Judith Pearson's Improve Your Writing with NLP will improve the odds of getting that book within you written. It has strategies that I wish I had known when I was starting out -” it would have made writing a book much easier and quicker.
    If you long to write a book, reading Improve Your Writing with NLP can put you one giant step closer.

  8. To be able to write is to have a different kind of voice -” one that can share a vision with the world. Judith Pearson offers a means whereby pretty much anyone can find their voice.
    It is a tribute to what she has done that the question now is not so much, “how do you write?” but, “what do you really want to say?”

  9. Engaging! I genuinely enjoyed reading Improve Your Writing with NLP. It is an excellent role model for the very thing the book is about ... NLP and Writing! As an editor of a journal, this book is a fantastic reference and I will be adding it to our “must read” list. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to express their ideas well through writing whilst maintaining a passion for their subject.

  10. Judith provides a worthy and valuable guide to a subject which may be challenging to many people, including myself! She shines a light on many of the dark areas experienced when writing, and offers superb and practical advice to overcome these particular challenges. Judith has a gentle and clear way of communicating with us through her book and her NLP applications serve as a practical guide to NLP as well as to writing. Thank you, Judith, for providing such an insightful and useful how-to guide for using NLP to improve my writing.
  11. If you are interested in writing and you want to tap into the genius of the NLP Communication Model, Judith Pearson's new book is just the book for you! Why do I say that? Because here is a solid, NLP-based book that uses and applies many of the very best patterns to bring out your own very best as a writer.
    In this book you will find a lot of practical suggestions on how to think about writing, how to organize yourself as you write, how to get yourself into the best mental and emotional states to write, and how to use the three dimensions of the Disney Creative Strategy so that your writing is creative, realistic, and refined.
    I like the book, and I think you will too, because what the author recommends, she practices. That is, the book itself, Improve Your Writing with NLP, is a good example of how to improve your writing with NLP. And part of her congruency as a writer is that she has taken the time to know the field of NLP, and then use the best of NLP in the book. You will find that, as a professional, Judith has given credit to other works on writing and, further, she uses much of The POWER Process by Sid Jacobson and Dixie Elise Hickman to guide the writer. So instead of reinventing the wheel, she refers to what Jacobson and Hickman have already developed -” that's a sign of a professional who does not feel threatened by other works in the same area.
    I like this book and, from my perspective, it will really help this field. After all, we need more writers, and better writers, in the field of NLP! And Improve Your Writing with NLP is an excellent book that will help to create more and better writers. So I highly recommend it. It is practical, down-to-earth, and comprehensive and will enable NLP people to learn how to write with more clarity, precision, and inspiration about NLP itself.
    For years I have been teaching a 3-day writing workshop that I call “Writing Genius” and what I find in this work is that Improve Your Writing with NLP highlights everything that I focus on and emphasize in that training. Now what is it that they say about great minds?
    In this book you will learn several strategies about the process of writing ... and Judith offers lots of questions to help guide your thinking about that process. She uses a lot of NLP patterns to address the challenges of writing. And all of these things make the book very practical.
    How do you get in rapport with your readers? Judith shows you how! Using perceptual positions, getting engagement, answering the “what's in it for me?” question. And what if you are not a writer and don't plan to be a writer? Judith quotes me as saying that one of the reasons I write is to learn. In fact, I write to learn and, by writing, I incorporate my learning in my own words. Writing helps me learn. And it can help you learn as well. Bottom line: Go buy this book!
  12. As the former publisher of Anchor Point Journal and co-author of several books, I know how daunting it can seem to get your ideas out in a book or article. Judith's book, 'Improve Your Writing with NLP', offers practical and easy to follow instructions to help you write imaginatively and effectively, and stay motivated through a writing project. The book is packed with tips and suggestions that you may not have considered in planning and writing. She also shows how you can use the Dreamer - Realist - Critic strategy as a creative approach to reach your audience. The worksheets included at the end of the book provide a clear guide for thinking through a writing project. In fact, they alone are worth the price of the book.

  13. The difference between people who succeed at an endeavor and those who do not, is about whether (or not) they implement their great ideas. Judy Pearson's book shows you exactly what you need to do to succeed at writing and enjoy the process. I suggest you read this book, and close it often to actually do the exercises that allow you to implement her great strategies. This will guarantee your success! I highly recommend Judy's book.

  14. In "Improve Your Writing with NLP," Judith Pearson, Ph.D. offers a well-rounded perspective on how to tap the power of NLP to not only only improve your writing skills but to access the wellspring of creativity and ideas that might be locked up in the far corners of your mind and otherwise be inaccessible to you. In that regard, this book is also about how to improve your thinking with NLP. What's more, this is a hands-on guide with keen insights, probing questions, and ready-to-use worksheets to propel you along.

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