Hypnosis for Inner Conflict Resolution

Introducing Parts Therapy

By: Roy Hunter


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Size: 234mm x 156mm
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9781904424604
Format: Hardback
Published: August 2004

Why do so many clients experience inner conflicts that inhibit successful attainment of important goals?

This outstanding new book on Parts Therapy will help provide the answer.

Counsellors and hypnotherapists often use proven techniques to help their clients change undesired habits or achieve personal and professional goals. Yet, in spite of the best efforts of both clients and therapist, unresolved inner conflicts often inhibit clients from attaining their ideal empowerment.

Increasing numbers of therapists around the world are discovering the benefits of parts therapy and its variations, such as ego state therapy and voice dialogue, to help clients get past personal barriers. These complex techniques continue to grow in popularity and are already used by many psychotherapists and psychologists who use hypnosis as an adjunct to their practices. Therapists who specialise in the use of hypnosis also need to learn Parts Therapy.

Picture for author Roy Hunter

Roy Hunter

Roy Hunter, MS, Cht, teaches professional hypnosis and advanced techniques for professionals and teaches self hypnosis to groups and clients for personal or professional motivation. He was specially selected to carry on the work of the late Charles Tebbetts. He was awarded a PhD from Alpha University and California University with a major in clinical hypnotherapy.


  1. `Hypnosis for Inner Conflict Resolution` scrutinises in detail the whole spectrum of Parts Therapy which Roy Hunter advocates as the most effective solution to resolving the client's inner turmoil which, if unresolved, will almost invariably hamper the attainment of his important life goals. This therapeutic methodology views the client's unconscious self as a multi-faceted collage of sub-personalities, perhaps the most instrumental of which is his inner child, which exercise influence over all his behaviour and motivation. Parts Therapy as a client-centred approach was originally pioneered by Charles Tebbetts and Paul Federn and is akin to disciplines such as ego-state therapy, voice dialogue, inner-child healing and sub-personality theories.
    In `Hypnosis for Inner Conflict Resolution` Roy Hunter explains that therapeutic intervention with Parts Therapy is able to assist the client when two or more of his unconscious parts are pulling in opposite directions. The hypnotherapist can effectively facilitate the client in contacting and communicating with these incompatible parts so that he can initiate a process of therapeutic mediation. Parts Therapy, moreover, will aim to uncover the root cause of the client's distress and help him to overcome any unconscious resistance to change in order to shape a satisfaction-settlement of his inner conflict.
    `Hypnosis for Inner Conflict Resolution` examines the four primary objectives of the Parts Therapy facilitator which will constitute the major turning points in terms of the direction in which the therapeutic journey may proceed for the client. Initially the therapist may employ techniques for hypnotic suggestion and open-screen imagery which will seek to empower the client to change and motivate him to succeed. Next the client must take the important step of identifying and resolving the originating cause of his conflict. To this end the facilitator may employ hypnotic regression and ideomotor questioning by way of inviting the client to reveal his inner truth. The client can then be invited to release his unconscious, pent-up emotion associated with the root cause of his dilemma and to undertake any self-forgiveness or reframing of the situation as necessary. Finally the client can be encouraged to eliminate any negative self-image and to instil a belief in permanent resolution and ultimate success.
    In `Hypnosis for Inner Conflict Resolution` Roy Hunter carefully considers the initial preparation of the client who is to undergo the therapeutic process. For this groundwork the hypnotherapist should explain the concept and purpose of Parts Therapy so that the client may be involved in planning his journey. Once hypnosis has been induced and deepened, a place of peace and/or a safe-zone can be reached by the client wherein the therapist may verify the depth of trance and set up ideomotor responses.
    The main thrust of the use of Parts Therapy in `Hypnosis for Inner Conflict Resolution` details the comprehensive eleven-step procedure which will guide the reader through the whole continuum of helping and healing the client. The client can firstly be invited to identify his unconscious parts for motivation, control and conflict and gain the permission of these opposing parts to undertake negotiation. Next a process of gaining rapport with the client's disparate parts, understanding the functions of these various parts and summoning parts into the negotiating arena can be facilitated. Once mediation has been initiated and agreement has been reached between the client's opposing parts, a final integration process may be achieved.
    Roy Hunter provides a remarkably detailed exposé of Parts Therapy methodology and leaves no stone unturned in explaining to the reader precisely how to go about therapeutic intervention and how to deal with every eventuality in terms of overcoming obstacles and potentially problematic responses from the client. The Parts Therapy journey can also be utilised by those practitioners with a metaphysical inclination who may encounter the client who will subscribe to spiritual doctrine. `Hypnosis for Inner Conflict Resolution` concludes with a plentiful array of case-study examples to assist the practitioner in understanding the process even more thoroughly.
  2. This book introduces and explains Parts therapy in a very effective and enjoyable way. Parts therapy is not a time consuming method, it brings about positive and permanent change, used alongside hypnosis, it goes beyond direct suggestion. It is closely linked to Ego State Therapy.

    When a client has inner conflict, parts is used to resolve the appropriate part in the subconscious mind.

    A very informative and in depth book for anyone using parts or working with hypnosis to bring about positive changes in a client.
  3. On to the subject of another fine book. For a long time I've thought getting back to you about my endorsement for Hypnosis for Inner Conflict Resolution. While my endorsement was very positive, I'd like to add something to the last sentence to make it more so. I'd like to change, "This unique and easy to read book is a significant addition to the field of hypnotherapy." to: "This unique and easy to read book is the most important work on the subject of parts therapy and a major addition to the field of hypnotherapy." You and Crown House have my permission to use this version in any promotions of the book.
  4. Having previously read Hunter's The Art of Hypnotherapy I anticipated reviewing Hypnosis for Inner Conflict Resolution with some excitement; and I was not disappointed. Not being a stranger to Parts Therapy work I wondered if there was anything new to learn in Hunter's book.

    Parts Therapy is not new. It has long been taught as a significant part of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and by many institutions purporting to train hypnotherapists. Well before the advent of NLP, parts work was acknowledged within Freudianism, was and is a fundamental in archetypal theory within Jung's work, and a mainstay with Gestalt Therapy. Inner Child, Alchemical/Conference room and Archetypal Therapies are noted for their differing uses of -˜parts'.

    The heart of the book describes Hurter's techniques which were originally developed by Dr Charles Tebbetts to resolve negative internal conflicts in the subconscious mind. Under deep hypnosis, the therapist can speak to the parts of the client engaged in conflict and by using methods of compromise can effect an agreement which resolves the conflict, thereby eliminating the negative internal conflict forcing function.

    Hunter's writing style and use of plain English descriptions make the book exceptionally easy to read with seven of the thirteen shortish chapters dedicated to reviewing and instructing the processes of Parts Therapy. The novice therapist and the student will gain considerably from reading this book and carefully following the steps outlined by Hunter. Of specific interest is Hunter's chapter on potential pitfalls and other concerns which illuminates many areas of therapy that even experienced therapists can find problematic.

    If there is to be any criticism of Hypnosis for Inner Conflict Resolution it is the short though detailed chapter about Dr. Tebbetts, which could easily have been left out without detracting from the book over-all. Hurter has made more than adequate reference to Tebbetts throughout the book.
  5. Not only do I want to have hypnotherapy, I want to have hypnotherapy with Roy Hunter. I also feel inspired to study it. This is a man who without doubt knows much what he is talking about. The degree to which he explains the parts therapy process in his book 'Hypnosis for Inner Conflict Resolution' makes me feel as though I could actually facilitate a session. If Hunter explains things verbally in the same calm and clear way that he has written this book then I have no question that he is a fantastic teacher. The development of parts therapy is discussed in detail; areas where the author has made changes are mentioned. All of these changes are then explained, and confidently justified. This is not just an ordinary and dry text book for reference purposes; it is also a tribute to Charles Tebbetts, a man who obviously was, and still is a great inspiration to Hunter. It is also very autobiographical; the text is real and has emotion. Even one of the case studies is author as client.
  6. Parts work in hypnotherapy is of considerable interest to many practitioners and students of hypnosis. This book gives an operational account that any therapist will find highly useful. Students will see that it is an invaluable introduction.

    The author, Roy Hunter, worked with the pioneer of this work, the late Charles Tebbetts. Together for many years, they developed a program for inner conflict resolution that is being applied around the world. The author conducts parts therapy workshops both in Britain and the U.S.

    Parts therapy is client-centered. It facilitates the release of subconscious conflicts and promotes rapid relearning. To do this effectively, practitioners need a step-by-step guidebook until mastery results from the work itself. This is the needed guidebook.

    For this reason, it's worth noting that the Contents pages are detailed and explicit as to each category and subheading. The numbered style is famiiar: for instance, “...6.1. Why should a part choose a name or title?, 6.2-¦6.2.1. etc.” Even working with a client in the room, a therapist could quickly thumb through the contents page, find a needed reminder of steps and substeps, and look it up fast.

    What is the nature of this work?

    Client-centering means the work is not prescriptive wherever the client can supply information during the process. The therapist supplies appropriate questions; the clients digs up the substantive answers and speaks them aloud. Certainly this goes along with the cardinal principle that, in effect, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, a view widely shared in professional hypnosis. The full participation of the client drives the process toward success.

    “Parts therapy is the process of calling out and communicating directly with any and all parts of the subconscious involved in helping a client achieve a desired result.” (p. 2) And, from the context, it appears that what Hunter means by -˜part' is not like a part of machine or body, but rather, “part' in the sense of taking a part in a play on stage, a functional voice or role within the subconscious. The metaphors from drama immediately suggest lesser and greater parts, motivating and conflicting roles, and much more. And that suggests Hunter's first distinction: “conflicting part” as distinct from the “motivating part.” The metaphor of the role results in much “role-playing” in the hypnotic state, and again, this is why the work is client-centered.

    The hypnotic state itself and the therapist's skill make it easier for the client to communicate with and about each part within the psyche. It's this communication to good purpose that is Parts Therapy. Sometimes these parts are called ego parts; others have called them ego states, subpersonalities, other selves, or developmental stages. Whatever we call the phenomena of psyche, a well-adjusted person “is one in whom the personality parts are well integrated,” according to mentor Charles Tebbetts. Conversely, sufficient conflict indicates maladjustment. It follows, that inner-conflict resolution leads to happier adjustment; this is the experience of clients and practitioners.

    The importance of the hypnotic state in this work is paramount. Deeply hypnotized clients can expect to do better than those whose state is marginal. The work becomes effective as each client discovers the best resolution by answering questions asked by the facilitator. Knowing what to ask and when to ask it is a good deal of the art of the work.

    After he describes the background of the work, preparation of the client, and the contributions of Charles Tebbetts, Hunter lays out the numbered Steps in the process. He gives working detail and this requires a chapter. The background includes four objectives and these are crucial: 1) suggestion and imagery, 2) discovering the cause, 3) release, and 4) subconscious relearning. Parts therapy can fulfill all these objectives but often the relearning occurs after the process itself has been completed.

    Not to be confused with the objectives, the first Four Steps in the process involve identifying the part, gaining rapport, calling out the part, and thanking it for emerging. An “important Fifth Step” is to discover the purpose of a part of the subconscious. That step involves naming the part.

    These things comprise the deceptively simple elements of the program and the book goes on to guide continuing work mediating among parts, getting agreements, what typical sessions look like, providing sample sessions for study, and anticipating pitfalls and questions. The guide is complete without becoming exhaustive.

    It would be hard to envision a more readable, handy, and complete compendium on this subject so vital to hypnotherapy. Give this book an honored place in your desk library.

    David M. Wolf, M.A. has been leading a Philosophy Evening twice- monthly for the past year at Yoga Bookstore & Cafe in Honesdale, PA. He is the author of Philosophy That Works, a book about the foundations of knowledge, truth, and philosophy; you can read sections at Google Book Search or Chapter One at http://www.xlibris.com/philosophythatworks. David is presently working on a new novel, and a growing collection of sonnets, and other works.
  7. This is the how to book for undertaking Parts Therapy. It is much more than just a book on theory, taking you through the procedure step by step.

    The book starts with an overview and background information on Parts Therapy. There is one whole chapter dedicated to the preparation procedure with the client to ensure that they adequately understand the process, what will happen and why this technique is being used. Then there are five chapters detailing in full the steps involved before moving into showing the entire process in one session.

    Including sample sessions on smoking, weight management, confidence building and other so-called standard issues as well as a chapter dedicated to overcoming possible pitfalls, this book is a "must have' for any therapist who wants to help their clients overcome the inner conflicts that block progress in therapy
  8. If, like me, you already find Parts Therapy fascinating, you'll thoroughly enjoy this book. Although the technique has been in existence for quite some time, under many different guises, Roy Hunter has taken the basic concept devised by Charles Tebbets, which in turn was a variation on Ego State Therapy, and put his own spin on it.

    In this book, he takes the reader through the step-by-step process of Client Centred Parts Therapy as he practices it and very thorough and comprehensive it is too! No-one who reads this book can fail to understand the process, as the author explains it so thoroughly that even a complete beginner would have no problem grasping the concept.

    Put very simply, Roy Hunter becomes the Mediator or Facilitator who then negotiates Terms of Agreement between the conflicting parts of his client. The elegant way in which he accomplishes this is a joy to read about and makes you eager to use the technique with your next suitable client. Of course, we all know that what can sound very simple on paper can sometimes be extremely difficult to do, due to the complex nature of the average human being, who doesn't always perform as the text-books would have you believe they're supposed to. However, as with any technique, practise makes perfect and, should you choose to use it, Parts Therapy will prove to be another valuable tool in your therapeutic toolbox.
  9. Not enough has been published to date about the benefits of Parts Therapy and certainly nothing has been put so clearly and effectively as in this new book. It is an aspect of hypnosis which every therapist should know about as it can achieve results which seem almost miraculous in a comparatively short time. The way in which this book has been written makes the technique accessible to the student and the beginner as well as to the more experienced hypnotherapist.
  10. Most hypnotherapists are, to some degree, aware of the ideas of parts therapy. Inner parts of the mind may be in direct conflict with regard to the achievement of goals. The smoker, for example, may have a part that wants to stop smoking, and another part that wants to carry on. From a Gestalt-influenced NLP perspective, “integration' is our goal, which is fine but premature integration is certain to rebound.

    The previous techniques I had encountered regarding parts therapy have all been somewhat vague. The six-step reframe, for example, has rarely had the desired result of weeding out inner conflict before I embark cognitive retraining. I've encountered other techniques that involve some semblance of negotiation between parts, but at a level “invisible' to the therapist (and perhaps the client). I've often found this to produce indistinct “agreements' between indistinct parts leaving client and therapist alike unclear as to any outcome.

    Even at a visible level, the absence of any direct mediating influence has also been a concern to me. I just do not feel justified in assuming the client to have excellent negotiation skills, or to be able to direct them towards his/her problem during deep hypnosis*.

    In his book, Roy Hunter has not so much invented (or even re-invented) parts therapy, for us as therapists he has done something far more useful. Despite this books other virtues, Hunter's most important accomplishment is that he has refined parts therapy into a systematic approach. If indeed, Roy's brief was to deconstruct and systemise parts therapy, it shows page after page that he has kept his eyes on the prize. The result is a very readable book that is easy to follow and removes the hit and miss approach I discussed above. Although the book is quite readable even from the layman's perceptive, the practice of the techniques require adequate training in hypnosis, regression** and Ideo Motor Response particularly.

    Hunter expands on the techniques of his friend and mentor, the late Charles Tebbits. In the beginning of the book Hunter describes the theory and history of parts therapy in a section that is not overlong or over theoretical. Next a section dealing with the proper preparation of the client, firstly seeing if parts therapy is indicated, then explaining the technique to the client (we don't want our smoker leaving the consulting room thinking they are now a non-smoker but with multiple personality disorder do we now?).

    The main part of the book deals with the core of the technique, “the eleven steps'. I won't go into too much detail of the exact break down of the steps, but I will say that some straightforward advice on the process of negotiating is very welcome. The client-centred approach is encouraged. Other small concessions also allow the therapist to more easily keep track of which part he/she is talking to. Hunter explains how to avoid pitfalls and deal with detours potentially associated with each step, through out these chapters.

    Hunter uses a sample session transcript all the way through to illustrate the technique. The latter part of the book takes us through the transcript as a whole and then a few overviews of sample sessions.

    The penultimate chapter takes us again on a tour of the most common mistakes one can fall prey to, explaining in more detail the theory behind the decisions why these mistakes are indeed classed as mistakes. Should we, for example, create or destroy/freeze parts? What if a part becomes too independent?

    For the more spiritually minded, a final chapter discusses the possible ways in which various belief systems may alternatively interpret the cognitive contortions of the parts therapy process.

    I have found this book more than useful when dealing with clients presenting internal conflict. The techniques are useful for weight control and smoking most popularly, but are apt for any client who has difficulty performing in the real world the abilities that they are known to have. Cognitive-behavioural retraining can often foster ability but I believe parts therapy to be beneficial in removing the internal obstacles to the performance of these desired behaviours in the world at large.

    I believe these internal conflicts may be responsible for some failures in anchoring responses to external stimuli, thus explaining the performance / ability gap. I also suspect that differing parts in conflict have differing senses of the time frame they are working in. “Smokey” thinks in seconds, whereas “Healthy thinks in years”.

    Roy does not discus this in the book, theory is all well and good, but what you want in the consulting room is nuts and bolts. Now that Hunter has played the role (or part?) of Cartographer, we can relax and play the part of the informed traveller.

    *In order to elicit and communicate with parts, we need to attain a deep level of trance, much like regression. Incidentally, I have great hopes for parts therapy in providing a more graceful alternative for some cases that would previously have indicated regression.

    **Whilst regression is not a direct aim in parts therapy, often spontaneous regression can occur and needs to be -˜dealt with'. Hunter warns against digression into a formal regression session from this point, and instead encourages a swift return to parts therapy, seeing the spontaneous regression as a detour not a change of direction.
  11. This book is an excellent resource for speech pathologists in working with the emotional aspects of stuttering. Bob uses clear language and gives great examples that make complex principles easy to understand. As a person who stutters, I am amazed at Bob's keen and accurate insight into the world of a stutterer without being a person who stutters.
  12. This book, I have to admit, for me was a real education. Although aware of Parts Therapy, it is something that I have not really looked at to any great extent. It is something that I have always thought that I would do ” tomorrow” but I have never actually come across anything which has presented it to me in a way that I could readily accept. This book was the exception to the rule.

    To begin with the book is immensely readable. Yes, It contains much academic material but it is presented in a way that is a pleasure to read. I also found that after reading I could actually remember content as it had been so carefully put over to me, the reader.

    I now readily acknowledge that this book is an excellent introduction for me to what is, no doubt about it, a complex and important element of the hypnotherapeutic work.

    Initially I found Parts Therapy difficult to conceive. Part of me was actually fighting it and feeling ” this can't be so “. As I progressed through the book so the whole issue of Parts Therapy became more clear and understandable, even to me as very much a beginner. But I don't think that the book stops there. I think it is an equally valuable read to the experienced practitioner too through its insightful writing.

    This is a book that I looked at initially and wondered whether I would actually be able to plough my way through it. As it happened it was more difficult for me to actually put it down. Its content is compelling reading

    My primary purpose in devoting an entire book to parts therapy is to provide a learning tool for both the teacher and the student alike. I intend this to be a ” how to” guidebook , containing step-by-step instructions for facilitating competent, client centered parts therapy from start to finish. I'll share techniques to help the properly trained hypnotist know when to consider parts therapy for a client, as well as how to obtain good results.

    While other therapists may take their clients down different paths, my own professional experience validates the benefit of following the steps described in this book

    If you are not already trained in a successful variation of parts therapy, my strong recommendation is that you closely follow the discipline presented in the chapters that follow. I believe that easy reading makes the learning progress easier. It certainly does, and I feel I have started to learn many new lessons as a result of reading this book.

    I recommend it to you without hesitation!
  13. There has been little written regarding the important subject of client-centered parts therapy, as pioneered by Charles Tebbetts. Well-known author Roy Hunter would make his late mentor proud with Hypnosis for Inner-Conflict Resolution. He has used his wealth of experience to write about this complex interactive process that strives to integrate different aspects of the client to achieve in-depth healing and become more whole. This unique and easy to read book is a significant addition to the field of hypnotherapy.
  14. This book is really a “must read” for any serious student of part therapy, or for any hypnotherapist who wants to move beyond direct suggestion hypnosis. Is it just what our profession needs at this time and I will recommend to all of my new students as well as the many graduated from our school.”
  15. Professionals who are well-trained in hypnotherapeutic procedures are able to utilize a variety of suggestions to accomplish their purpose. In the teaching of hypnosuggestive methods, the need has long been apparent that would provide a practical, “how-to-do-it” approach to the teaching of parts therapy that would be servicible in applied settings. Now we are fortunate to have this text by C. Roy Hunter, which offers a concise introduction to parts therapy which can serve as a guide for both the novice and the experienced practitioner. Students who are training in this area can use Mr. Hunter's scripts as “training wheels” to learn how to formulate their own suggestions. Experienced hypnotherapists will also find the text helpful in expanding their repertoire.

    In addition to presenting useful models of parts therapy suggestions, Mr. Hunter's text also meets the need for a clearly written manual that explains parts therapy in accordance with the results of modern scholarly research. These investigations have led to a view of hypnosis which differs markedly from the traditional view of the passive subject who is hypnotized by and is subservient to the dominant hypnotist. From such a modern viewpoint, one sees good hypnotic subjects as actively doing, as actively becoming involved in the situation, and as actively thinking and imagining their own responses to the suggestions of the hypnotist.

    The main tasks of the hypnotist are to remove the subjects' misconceptions and negative attitudes, establish rapport in order to elicit their maximum cooperation, and release and guide their capabilities for resolving inner conflicts and for reintegrating the various parts of their various ego states. The importance of these tasks is commendably emphasized in Mr. Hunter's incisive and highly readable presentation. This text should have a long and fruitful life.
  16. Since 1989 parts therapy has been of my primary tools in helping clients facilitate permanent change. I couldn't do effective work without it. Hypnosis for Inner Conflict Resolution is an excellent resource for anyone wanting to learn this extremely valuable technique. I highly recommend it.
  17. This book is the single finest work for performing Parts Therapy I have ever seen. Every therapist must have this book because it is a step by step guide to one of the more complicated and important elements of hypnotherapy. Replete with examples and contingency plans, Roy Hunter has covered every base. The book makes Parts Therapy understandable to the beginner and offers numerous new insights to the skilled practioner. I wish I would have written it!

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