The Fertile Body Method: A Practitioner's Manual

The applications of hypnosis and other mind-body approaches for fertility

By: Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer


Products specifications
Attribute name Attribute value
Size: 254mm x 178mm
Pages: 400
ISBN: 9781845900960
Format: Paperback
Published: August 2009

The Fertile Body Method is a complete guide to working with fertility and related issues using hypnosis and other mind-body approaches. It offers in-depth information about infertility and its possible causes and provides practitioners with a thorough understanding of all related issues, as well as effective techniques for treating them. It will show you how to structure your treatment plans and tailor your approach to each case in a step-by-step way. Useful and simple explanations of assisted fertility treatments and medical terminology make this book accessible to all. It provides an integrative guide for enhancing natural conception as well as powerful hypnotic techniques to support IVF and other assisted reproductive technologies.

The book also provides practitioners with a range of practical resources – including scripts, questionnaires, self-help tools, diagrams, charts and explanation leaflets for your clients – as free downloadable materials.

Picture for author Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer

Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer

Sjanie is a psychotherapist, hypnotherapist and menstruality educator specialising in fertility. During her years in practice, both privately and as part of an integrated medical team at the Zita West Fertility Clinic, she has successfully treated many couples with fertility problems.

Sjanie developed The Fertile Body Method which is a unique approach to treating fertility problems using hypnosis and other mind-body approaches. She is passionate about sharing what she knows and continues to teach The Fertile Body Method to therapists throughout Europe and in South Africa. In September 2009 her book The Fertile Body Method: Practitioner's Manual was published, the first of its kind to outline the application of hypnosis and mind-body approaches to treat fertility problems. The Fertile Body Method: Practitioner's Training DVD produced in March 2011 brings the theory in the manual to life, with demonstrations and live therapy sessions.

Since developing the Fertile Body Method, Sjanie has trained a worldwide community of FBM therapists. She continues to contribute to the growing field of fertility and mind-body medicine through writing, teaching and most recently co-founded the new Blossom & Be online fertility support community.

Over the past few years she has further developed her work to acknowledge the menstrual cycle as the foundation for women's wellbeing at all levels. Sjanie is co-founder of Red School, pioneering a ground'breaking approach to women's physical, psychological and spiritual wellbeing based on the menstrual cycle and the journey from menarche to menopause.


  1. On the front cover it stays that this is the practitioners manual, and wow it is. As a hypnotherapist having never worked with this issue I now feel confident that I could adapt my already existing skills to suit the need of a client with fertility issues. Moreover, even if I was stuck for ideas, the disc of resources and the section devoted to scripts create a fantastic reference point. Sjanie has not created a book that gives the impression that you need to have extensive training in the area but a book that allows you to realise you only have to adapt existing skills to this issue.

    This however is not a reading book as such, I found it had more of a textbook feel that would be provided with classroom learning and something which could be page marked and referred to when needed, there are numerous bullet points which means the writing does not flow at times and becomes more of a checklist but the flipside to this is that it is easy reference. 

    At first the continual referencing to other pages (where the scripts are found) can be a little distracting but once you get used to it you an see the worth as many of the scripts provided are used in different sections of the program so the repetition would have been a lot worse and this way you have one half of the book dedicated to the six stages of treatment and the other as a script centre.

    Throughout the book there are numerous case studies which further illustrate the point that Sjanie is trying to get across and are in my opinion essential to any good book with a how to style. 

    The treatment method itself is broken down into six easy to follow stages and doesn't merely deal with how to get your mind and body in harmony so that conception is more likely but also prepares the would be parents for failure to conceive.

    Overall I would say if you have any interest in hypnosis for fertility this is a must read, stick with it and give it the once through so you know exactly what the book is about and the methods that Sjanie describes, once you have done this and grasped an understanding then this book will provide the perfect reference. Additionally the scripts provided can be easily adapted to fit with other client issues with only a little tweaking. This is more than a book it is a comprehensive guide.
  2. It's rare that I read one book on a topic and feel that I've got all I need to know, but Sjanie Hugo's -˜Fertile Body Method' is just such a book. It includes information on every aspect of fertility, from current diagnostic procedures and available treatments, to the emotional issues couples may experience and how therapists can help them overcome these problems-¦ or maybe come to terms with their childless state. 

    Sjanie lays down a step by step plan for therapists to follow when working with couples, as well as recommending techniques, scripts and tools, which are provided and explained in full. Especially interesting to me, was the -˜Stages of treatment' section, which includes data on the factors that affect fertility, issues that may require resolution, unconscious blocks and historical factors such as previous terminations, miscarriage and stillbirth. 

    Educational in medical and hypnotherapeutic terms, this book remains an easy read, with case studies that really bring it to life. Sjanie Hugo is clearly an expert in this complex area of physical and emotional health and she shares her wealth of knowledge generously in this practitioner manual.
  3. This very interesting and informative book deals with the mind/body aspect of fertility problems and is packed with excellent scripts, questionnaires and case studies to illustrate the work that can be done using hypnosis and, in the case of those health professionals who have no formal hypnosis training, using deep relaxation methods instead. A CD containing the scripts, questionnaires etc. for the practitioner to print out is also provided.

    The author doesn`t suggest that all cases of infertility can be helped using these methods but certainly many couples experiencing problems conceiving could benefit from the insights they will undoubtedly gain when working with a practitioner using these techniques.

    In many cases of infertility, the constant strain of trying to conceive or of undergoing IVF treatment can take its toll on a couple`s relationship. Using the methods described in this book, a new understanding can be acquired by partners, helping to maintain a better balance and promoting well being and feelings of self worth in them and providing coping skills to help them deal with any disappointments that may arise.

    Fears, such as those experienced by women who have had several miscarriages, can also be addressed, so that a more relaxed, confident attitude can be attained, which can help to maintain the pregnancy so that it runs full term.

    All in all, I can see this book being useful to any therapist who may already be dealing with infertility or who is interested enough to want to begin working in this field.
  4. An excellently researched and well written book which is designed to assist those practitioners who wish to add to their understanding and their skills when working with infertile couples, their problems and anxieties. The case histories included give positive illustrations of the ways these methods can be used. The free CD which accompanies the book adds to the wealth of information provided.
  5. This life affirming and potentially life changing book considers how the mind and positive thinking can improve fertility and help to resolve a number of problems related to fertility.

    The hypnosis scripts are engaging and well-constructed, and deal in a straightforward way with a range of complex and emotional issues. The CD that accompanies the book provides a helpful summary of the scripts and additional resources, such as visualizations.

    The book is well-structured and written in a non-technical style that will appeal to all readers, whether they are experts in the field or not. The author clearly signposts the key stages of treatment and is not afraid to tackle traumatic life events such as termination, miscarriage, and still-birth.
    Section B clearly describes how a broad- based holistic approach can solve many problems related to psychogenic infertility and these are well illustrated with interesting and believable case-studies.

    For couples who are trying to conceive this book offers hope and some very practical advice in relation to fertility enhancement. The IVF session plans are particularly illuminating and clearly show that there are many paths to parenthood, not just one.
  6. A few years ago I was approached by a young woman for help with fertility problems that she had been experiencing for some years. She was considering a third cycle of IVF treatment and was hoping that the hypnotherapy would help and that the major outlay of expenditure for the IVF treatment would be justified.

    This was an area of work that was totally new to me. I had dealt with panic attacks associated with pregnancy and also post natal depression but infertility was new for me. I let her know this but she felt that being helped to relax would be of benefit so, in a way, I just did what I knew best but without any real insight into the whole fertility process.

    How I wish this book, `The Fertile Body Method` had existed then. If nothing else it would have given me a little more confidence in what I was doing.

    The treatment helped her relax but sadly did nothing to improve the chances of pregnancy for her. Three years down the line she is still childless and no longer considers IVF as a viable option in life. I found it hard to put myself in her shoes and really understand her feelings, etc. Sjanie Hugo gives a clear and deep insight and understanding into the many and varied issues that infertile couples deal with as they continue to try to conceive. I found it illuminating and eye-opening. There was much here that I wish I had realized before. I dont say the outcome would have been different BUT my own approach and confidence in working would have been boosted no end.

    There is no doubt in my mind that this book is going to become the standard reference book in this field. It is well researched and written with enormous clarity. A major added bonus is the free CD of resources which contains questionnaires, scripts, self help materials, diagrams AND explanation leaflets for clients.

    Of great value is the way in which there are step by step guides on treatment methodologies with clear advice on how to use the varied techniques in a calm, considerate and professional way in what is, or can be, a very emotional situation.

    The book is an impressive presentation of a complex area of study and human experience. It is not the sort of book I would have picked out of a display to read. I would have been wrong. The review has compelled me to read and I am the better informed for it.
  7. `The Fertile Body Method` is a very useful handbook more or less for any hypnotherapist not necessarily involved in the area of fertility. The large portion of the book contains information on hypnosis and its use in the therapeutic context of fertility. It presents a review of hypnotherapeutic methods and techniques and their description together with accurate information regarding their application and also contraindications as far as the use of those methods is concerned.

    The author shows profound appreciation of mindbody connection in the reference to fertility issues. She also points out importance of a cyclic nature of a woman in the treatment of fertility. She shares with us some of her case
    studies in order to illustrate the application of a particular approach.

    The contents cover the entire spectrum of knowledge starting with natural conception and finishing with Assisted Reproductive Technology and useful guidance on parenthood.

    First of its kind manual which due to its extensive, informative and educational contents presented in a clear structure is a valuable tool to a hypnotherapy practitioner.

    `The Fertile Body Method` constitutes an indispensable contribution to the field of hypnotherapy and its author deserves our appreciation.
  8. This book sets out to address the mental, emotional and physical factors that affect fertility and to reduce the negative effects of infertility. It describes the six stages of the `Fertile Body Method` and includes illustrative case histories and a CD of self-help tools.
  9. This book is mainly for hypnotherapists and health professionals. This great piece of work is like a manual that runs you through your first meeting with a client until they conceive and beyond. Easy to read, with bullet points and sub headings and case studies included for more understanding, scripts for hypnosis also included. The author has combined many modalities of hypnosis to get the best possible results that can be achieved. The book/manual is ideal for practitioner`s who work with couples that are trying to conceive, as this is the book that will see you through.

    This book comes with a cd that contains questionnaire, scripts and techniques, handouts for clients and homework questions.
  10. `One of the most pragmatic books I have read about using hypnosis and other mind-body approaches in practical therapy. The topic in question is fertility and it`s clear right from the opening pages that the author brings a great deal of personal experience to bear. The book is relatively light (thankfully!) on the psychological theory behind these approaches, as it is aimed at practitioners who have already covered this during their training. This means the book lacks the usual `padding` and the reader gets great value in actual instruction and advice.

    The author outlines a six stage strategy for the psychological treatment of fertility problems, including useful scripts, questionnaires, case histories and other resources. This book could easily be the training manual for a course costing hundreds of pounds and I can recommend it to any therapist looking for a coherent plan to maximise fertility and treat psychogenic infertility.`
  11. The Fertile Body Method is one of those very useful books which does just what it says - And it is packed full of useful information. Sjanie should make no apology for her linear structured approach since this provides a very comprehensive central point of reference for a tremendously complex subject. The Fertile Body Method provides both a method to assist the natural fertility process and a powerful adjunct to assisted reproductive therapy (ART). The manual is structured to encapsulate the tenets of hypnotherapy introducing the practitioner to one of the most powerful tools of mind body communication. A real asset of the Fertile Body Method manual is the deconstruction of each hypnosis technique which allows the practitioner the choice to work either within a formal hypnosis framework or to integrate the method into other therapeutic contexts.

    In the Fertile Body Method, Sjanie Hugo takes the practitioner by the hand and walks you through the therapeutic process. This manual has all the answers and some of the questions you will need conveniently located in one place. Presented in simple and very human language the reader feels as if Sjanie Hugo is right there with you inviting you to share the secrets and experiences from her case book and notes.

    Sjanie`s emphasis is on wholeness and includes components for self-reflection, personal healing, conscious and unconscious mind alignment. Also included is the much needed insight of the role that hypnosis plays when working with emotions and the impact that this can have on the body`s chemical balance and ability to conceive and birth a healthy baby.

    One of the most useful ideas is the fact that the `patient` will of course be very familiar with the language and mechanisms of in-fertility. It seems such a simple idea but the practitioner is immediately reminded of the need to incorporate references to the language and healthcare protocols surrounding this subject. This provides the practitioner with an immediate point of rapport and empathy. The Fertile Body Method takes you into the patient`s perspective to understand how all this focus on `not conceiving` can disconnect the patient from their natural experience of fertility. Apply this knowledge to the fact that so many patients and their partners understand very little about the fertile process and the practitioner is instantly empowered with a very efficient tool for reducing stress and harnessing the natural healing resources of the body.

    The Fertile Body Method provides a deep understanding of the methods of mind body medicine. Biology and so reproductive medicine is traditionally wedded in a mechanistic approach to the body. Over emphasis on the body can leave the patient feeling emotionally bereft and without coping strategies. Anxiety, stress and grief can and do have their own impact on the body`s natural fertility. The Fertile Body Method focuses on the emotional healing and mind body re-integration that is necessary to facilitate the metal shift back to the fertile body or the fertility journey.

    The manual is in essence a workbook where numerous methods and hypnotic application are explored and explained. There is a store cupboard of scripts specifically tailored for fertility work and usefully deconstructed for the healthcare professionals to incorporate with or without formal training in clinical hypnosis.

    The Fertile Body Method also reminds us that therapy is journey. Sometimes we are required to venture back into childhood, to slay the scary monsters of earlier trauma or mis-understanding. The Manual, designed around six key steps provides a guide not merely to working with fertility and related conditions but also introduces a structure for taking mind body medicine in general into the consulting room.

    Sjanie Hugo reminds us that the desire to have a baby is one of the most fundamental human desires. Of course, emotions and biology become inseparable and the Fertile Body Method is the manual to facilitate a greater understanding of the role the mind plays in a couple`s fertility. Sadly, there can be no guarantee of conception but the Fertile Body Method provides a means for positive inner change and helps ensure that all the possible causes and solutions are thoroughly investigated. This long awaited book is well researched, based on casebook success and provides new therapeutic insight for practitioners working with the increasing number of childless couples worldwide. I am delighted with the opportunity to review the book and delighted with every word of it.
  12. It goes in to so much detail and that shows how well everything was researched. Sjanie Hugo evidently really knows her subject and the method seems to be well tried and tested. I like the way it is logically set out and offers the practitioner flexibility within a very robust structure, taking the reader step by step through each part of the process. I would imagine that by using this method, the client`s chances of success are greatly increased.
  13. What an extremely comprehensive and practical manual this is for practitioners working with fertility issues.

    Sjanie uses her own case studies to demonstrate how mind-body factors can help couples with conception difficulties and uses an easy to master 6-step outline. Bringing together many mind-body approaches with hypnotic methods, this is a complete `how-to` guide for professionals.

    Within the pages are questionnaires to help at the initial consultation stage as well as tips and tools for every phase of treatment. And, on top of that, a resource CD is added that gives scripts and additional assistance for the professional as well as leaflets for the clients. This really is an amazing and all-embracing book.
  14. This is a valuable contribution to the field of hypnotherapy that gives practitioners a good understanding of the issues confronting couples faced with fertility problems. Well researched background information is combined with clear explanations and useful practical tools, including a CD of scripts and other resources to help hypnotherapists to use mind-body techniques in the area of fertility treatment. Sjanie Hugo has clearly built a leading expertise in helping couples to improve their chances of conception, and in generously sharing her knowledge she is providing an important learning opportunity for practitioners.
  15. This trusty book is for professionals, involved with frightened, panicky, anxious couples to conceive naturally or undergoing medical treatment such as IUI, ICSI or IVF. Calmly, she offers a genuinely useful `Fertility treatment package` which includes 6 one hour sessions and a free personalised self hypnosis CD, to free clients.

    Reliably, Sjanie invites the frightened, practitioner, helper, friend, or partner to trust how they can assist others using hypnotherapy. Sjanie teaches you how to securely, take `baby steps`, stepping into a new arena using her system. She invites you to calmly depend on your own toolkit, whilst using her techniques to identify the difference between wrestling with ideas of conceiving and resting in the peaceful space, which exists just before any conception can happen.

    Sjanie`s supportive book is really a comprehensive set of trustworthy, familiar, classic hypnotherapy exercises and activities that addressing the subconscious to learn to trust, safely. Her book helps you to help your client to pace themselves, whilst they step into unknown territory.All there is to do is to encourage and focus on the baby steps given in the book, in a patient way. You may also find that this book will address these issues for yourself to as you go first in experiencing trust for your client, as they go about create life, one step at a time. Repeatedly she offers easy to understand exercises, address your clients, conflicting ideas one step at a time. Energizing the process of working through releasing anxiety, disappointment and suspicion to experience ease and trust.

    You sense that Sjanie is well experienced and a determined person, because she knows that fertility is linked as much to perseverance as it is to just relaxing and letting go of whatever is terrifying. So, if you are scared as a practitioner, use her trustworthy experiences, to help you to safely connect to emerging issues first and reliably teach your clients to realize that they are in fact only scared of what they think.

    Nothing difficult, unreliable or mysterious about this book. It`s deliciously predicable in its use of classic hypnotherapy practices, as it addresses the shape and size of fear that are birthed and grown in the imagination. In addition, you can rely on her activities, reshaping the undependable fears linked with what your client is hoping that this child will give to them. If you feel you are uncomfortable with the subject of fertility, she helps you to mature in confidence.

    A clear, inspiring book, building on your own tool kit. It`s the most comprehensive practical book that I have seen on the subject and I would recommend it on any formal hypnotherapy course. This book is great, and draws to you what you want to conceive.

    Highly recommended
  16. Much like her clinical work, Sjanie translates her professional knowledge with real heart. The case study examples brought the techniques to life and will serve as a great tool for those looking for a mind-body approach to fertility.
  17. Sjanie Hugo has forged a deserved and respected reputation for her work in the field of fertility. Based on her own research and extensive knowledge and experience she has developed an innovative approach to the treatment of fertility issues that has now become a much sought after therapy. The Fertile Body Method is unique, thoroughly informative and practical. It is an extremely welcome addition to the hypnotic literature and one that is destined to become a core text for those thinking about expanding their therapy skills into this area. Sjanies decision to share her approach with the therapy community as a whole must be applauded as it provides a viable and effective avenue of hope to those struggling to conceive.
  18. As a clinical hypnotherapist, I have found The Fertile Body Method indispensable when working with couples with fertility difficulties.

    Everything one could want is here - step-by-step treatment protocols, illustrative case studies and comprehensive information about reproduction and the causes of infertility. Sjanie Hugo draws on her extensive experience of working at the renowned Zita West Clinic, plus her own wide-ranging research in this field, to deliver the definitive reference work on the subject of mind-body approaches to the treatment of infertility. Practitioners in this field will undoubtedly benefit from Sjanie`s in-depth understanding of the complex issues infertile couples have to deal with when trying to conceive.

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