On the front cover it stays that this is the practitioners manual, and wow it is. As a hypnotherapist having never worked with this issue I now feel confident that I could adapt my already existing skills to suit the need of a client with fertility issues. Moreover, even if I was stuck for ideas, the disc of resources and the section devoted to scripts create a fantastic reference point. Sjanie has not created a book that gives the impression that you need to have extensive training in the area but a book that allows you to realise you only have to adapt existing skills to this issue.
This however is not a reading book as such, I found it had more of a textbook feel that would be provided with classroom learning and something which could be page marked and referred to when needed, there are numerous bullet points which means the writing does not flow at times and becomes more of a checklist but the flipside to this is that it is easy reference.
At first the continual referencing to other pages (where the scripts are found) can be a little distracting but once you get used to it you an see the worth as many of the scripts provided are used in different sections of the program so the repetition would have been a lot worse and this way you have one half of the book dedicated to the six stages of treatment and the other as a script centre.
Throughout the book there are numerous case studies which further illustrate the point that Sjanie is trying to get across and are in my opinion essential to any good book with a how to style.
The treatment method itself is broken down into six easy to follow stages and doesn't merely deal with how to get your mind and body in harmony so that conception is more likely but also prepares the would be parents for failure to conceive.
Overall I would say if you have any interest in hypnosis for fertility this is a must read, stick with it and give it the once through so you know exactly what the book is about and the methods that Sjanie describes, once you have done this and grasped an understanding then this book will provide the perfect reference. Additionally the scripts provided can be easily adapted to fit with other client issues with only a little tweaking. This is more than a book it is a comprehensive guide.