The Fertile Body Method is one of those very useful books which does just what it says - And it is packed full of useful information. Sjanie should make no apology for her linear structured approach since this provides a very comprehensive central point of reference for a tremendously complex subject. The Fertile Body Method provides both a method to assist the natural fertility process and a powerful adjunct to assisted reproductive therapy (ART). The manual is structured to encapsulate the tenets of hypnotherapy introducing the practitioner to one of the most powerful tools of mind body communication. A real asset of the Fertile Body Method manual is the deconstruction of each hypnosis technique which allows the practitioner the choice to work either within a formal hypnosis framework or to integrate the method into other therapeutic contexts.
In the Fertile Body Method, Sjanie Hugo takes the practitioner by the hand and walks you through the therapeutic process. This manual has all the answers and some of the questions you will need conveniently located in one place. Presented in simple and very human language the reader feels as if Sjanie Hugo is right there with you inviting you to share the secrets and experiences from her case book and notes.
Sjanie`s emphasis is on wholeness and includes components for self-reflection, personal healing, conscious and unconscious mind alignment. Also included is the much needed insight of the role that hypnosis plays when working with emotions and the impact that this can have on the body`s chemical balance and ability to conceive and birth a healthy baby.
One of the most useful ideas is the fact that the `patient` will of course be very familiar with the language and mechanisms of in-fertility. It seems such a simple idea but the practitioner is immediately reminded of the need to incorporate references to the language and healthcare protocols surrounding this subject. This provides the practitioner with an immediate point of rapport and empathy. The Fertile Body Method takes you into the patient`s perspective to understand how all this focus on `not conceiving` can disconnect the patient from their natural experience of fertility. Apply this knowledge to the fact that so many patients and their partners understand very little about the fertile process and the practitioner is instantly empowered with a very efficient tool for reducing stress and harnessing the natural healing resources of the body.
The Fertile Body Method provides a deep understanding of the methods of mind body medicine. Biology and so reproductive medicine is traditionally wedded in a mechanistic approach to the body. Over emphasis on the body can leave the patient feeling emotionally bereft and without coping strategies. Anxiety, stress and grief can and do have their own impact on the body`s natural fertility. The Fertile Body Method focuses on the emotional healing and mind body re-integration that is necessary to facilitate the metal shift back to the fertile body or the fertility journey.
The manual is in essence a workbook where numerous methods and hypnotic application are explored and explained. There is a store cupboard of scripts specifically tailored for fertility work and usefully deconstructed for the healthcare professionals to incorporate with or without formal training in clinical hypnosis.
The Fertile Body Method also reminds us that therapy is journey. Sometimes we are required to venture back into childhood, to slay the scary monsters of earlier trauma or mis-understanding. The Manual, designed around six key steps provides a guide not merely to working with fertility and related conditions but also introduces a structure for taking mind body medicine in general into the consulting room.
Sjanie Hugo reminds us that the desire to have a baby is one of the most fundamental human desires. Of course, emotions and biology become inseparable and the Fertile Body Method is the manual to facilitate a greater understanding of the role the mind plays in a couple`s fertility. Sadly, there can be no guarantee of conception but the Fertile Body Method provides a means for positive inner change and helps ensure that all the possible causes and solutions are thoroughly investigated. This long awaited book is well researched, based on casebook success and provides new therapeutic insight for practitioners working with the increasing number of childless couples worldwide. I am delighted with the opportunity to review the book and delighted with every word of it.