`The Fertile Body Method` is a very useful handbook more or less for any hypnotherapist not necessarily involved in the area of fertility. The large portion of the book contains information on hypnosis and its use in the therapeutic context of fertility. It presents a review of hypnotherapeutic methods and techniques and their description together with accurate information regarding their application and also contraindications as far as the use of those methods is concerned.
The author shows profound appreciation of mindbody connection in the reference to fertility issues. She also points out importance of a cyclic nature of a woman in the treatment of fertility. She shares with us some of her case studies in order to illustrate the application of a particular approach.
The contents cover the entire spectrum of knowledge starting with natural conception and finishing with Assisted Reproductive Technology and useful guidance on parenthood.
First of its kind manual which due to its extensive, informative and educational contents presented in a clear structure is a valuable tool to a hypnotherapy practitioner.
`The Fertile Body Method` constitutes an indispensable contribution to the field of hypnotherapy and its author deserves our appreciation.
Guest|11/03/2011 00:00
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