When normal sleep patterns have been interrupted, learning to relax in some deeper ways can assist breaking the negative patterns and re-establishing the natural sleep that your body was designed for. This CD has been shown to help individuals reclaim natural and normal sleep after bouts with insomnia. It actually takes a lot of effort to block a person's natural ability to sleep. The body is designed to be able to recharge and rejuvenate through sleep, and so it actually requires an enormous amount of energy to block that natural process.
Learning to relax and allow the natural sleep to take over and the body's ability to recalibrate and reboot its ability to achieve natural and normal sleep is all about relaxing in some particular ways that move beyond the negative habit that had kept the person from sleeping.
John D. Lentz, D.Min, is both a licensed therapist and an ordained minister in Hardin County, Kentucky. His ministry includes directing the Ericksonian Institute of Jeffersonville, Indiana, where he practices marriage and family therapy, and teaches hypnosis for use in clinical settings. He has written four books: Therapeutic Meditations: 40 Days and 40 Nights to Change; How the Word Heals; Effective Handling of Manipulative Persons and his most recent volume, The Compassionate Healing of Sex Addicts.
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