The Perfect (Ofsted) Inspection

By: Jackie Beere MBA OBE


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Size: 124 x 174mm
Pages: 144
ISBN: 9781781350003
Format: Hardback
Published: September 2012

Building on the success of The Perfect (Ofsted) Lesson, this book demonstrates through exemplary case studies how to get the very best from your Ofsted inspection. Heads and middle leaders who have managed to show their school off in the best possible light share their top tips for making your inspection an opportunity rather than a threat.

Telling the story of your school effectively, showing how the data really represents your school and helping your middle leaders show how they are working towards ‘continuous improvement’ are just a few of the essential aspects of preparation for the inspection. Writing an incisive SEF that exemplifies your spiralling success and which demonstrates your capacity for improvement is still essential for gaining an ‘outstanding’ result. This book will help prepare you and your staff to be confident and impressive in every lesson visited by the inspection team and will empower your senior leaders and governors to demonstrate outstanding leadership.

Written in Jackie Beere’s pragmatic style, with a wealth of practical advice from many contributors, this book will deliver the essential tips for making inspection work for your school.

Picture for author Jackie Beere MBA OBE

Jackie Beere MBA OBE

Jackie Beere, OBE is an Independent Thinking Associate who worked as a newspaper journalist before embarking on a career in teaching and school leadership. She was awarded an OBE in 2002 for developing innovative learning programmes and is the author of several bestselling books on teaching, learning and coaching. Since 2006, Jackie has been offering training in the latest strategies for learning, developing emotionally intelligent leadership and cultivating a growth mindset.

Click here to see a summary of Jackie's writings in the press - both online and in print.


  1. Building on Jackie and Ian's last book, The Perfect Ofsted Lesson, this new title demonstrates how to do well and get the best from an Ofsted inspection. The 2012 Ofsted framework has been included and the book aims to help schools show themselves and their achievements at their 'outstanding' best. The ethos of the guide is not solely about performing well when inspectors appear, but maintaining good practice with every lesson, every day. Case studies, checklists and summaries are included, as well as real-life examples.

  2. Covers the new 2012 Ofsted inspection framework, this title has been written by school improvement partner and former headteacher Jackie Beere.

    The guide aims to be practical from the outset, with chapters dedicated to learning in lessons, preparation for inspection and tips for what to do on the day itself.

    The title includes handy checklists for staff, a final preparatory checklist for headteachers, and a checklist for after the inspection has finished.

    There is also a very useful overview of the inspection framework, breaking down how inspectors should be judging areas such as achievement, behaviour, leadership and quality of teaching.

    The book is easy to read with lots of summary lists of advice and tips.

  3. Having been recently inspected in January, it was interesting to compare our experience of the 2012 framework with that of the author.

    I found the book very easy to access, making it perfect to dip into for specific questions, but it was also an excellent overall preparation for an upcoming inspection. The sections offering advice from different leaders was also helpful, creating a positive and purposeful approach to what many feel to be a process that is "done to them". Our experience certainly mirrors the tone of the book - we found the inspectors to be thorough but fair, and they were keen to get a true picture of our school. I think the author uses both humour and clarity to prepare leaders for this type of process - as educationalists, we should have no fear of a framework which actually focuses on what we all believe teaching is about. She also clearly considers the whole person in the process, and reminds us to prepare in a measured and planned way, considering our physical and mental health also!

    Many books of this style can read in a very detached manner, and I felt that this book did the opposite - it was a good mix of fact, useful advice and educational theory.
    I would certainly recommend it to other practitioners, and have already lent it to a colleague from another school.
  4. Sit down, take a deep breath and have a note-pad handy because this book pours out brilliant advice page after page that will really help. Only someone who really knows their subject can simplify a potentially dry, depressing and jargon filled topic with such passion, clarity and hope. Jackie weaves through the Inspection process like Christiano Ronaldo or Lional Messi cutting through a packed midfield of stoppers to reach the goal with such apparent ease that we all feel able to rise to the challenge. Jackie Beere 1 Ofsted 0.
  5. This book is an easy read and an absolute must for anyone anticipating an inspection under the new 2012 Ofsted framework.
    It provides an essential step by step guide for school leaders, teachers, support staff and governors, demonstrating how to present a school in the very best way to Ofsted at the same time as summarising practices for genuine school improvement. Middle leaders will find this book extremely useful. Well chosen case studies, checklists and summaries are included.
    Excerpts could and probably should be used at the start of each school year and all staff development meetings to remind us of the potential impact of our decision making and why we do what we do every day for the children entrusted into our care.

  6. I have found reading “The Perfect Inspection” is like eating Grandma's special recipe Christmas cake: despite having luxuriated in the taste for the last ten years, it still contains welcome surprises, is rich and fruity in flavour, and you can't help sneaking back to help yourself to another slice when nobody's watching.
    In contrast to some of the wordy periodicals and school improvement tomes this book cuts to the chase in the critical areas of pre-inspection preparation and the two days of scrutiny and is punctuated by concise tips and checklists that are equally useful as bookmarked references and as a glue to bond the narrative tightly together. Jackie's candour and pragmatism are refreshing.
    Whilst not being quite pocket size, the book is still compact enough to fit into bags, briefcases and binders, and is can therefore be discreetly available as an aide-memoire at almost any time!
  7. A truly excellent book which is essential reading for managers and teachers within all schools and colleges. There are superb realistic tips for teachers and leaders to address more effectively the new Ofsted framework. With the onset of “no notice” inspections this book will enable school teams to embed the very best practice for the benefit of learners, parents / carers and staff teams. Well Done Jackie Beere, this book will reduce sleepless nights for staff teams due inspections and promote self- confidence, self-management, and skills to achieve “outstanding”.
  8. Jackie Beere's -˜The Perfect Ofsted Inspection 2012 Framework' gets an -˜Outstanding' grade from me. Her wonderful style of writing along with professional and practical approach to helping and supporting schools -˜get it right', is indeed an enjoyable and thought provoking read.
    She has brilliantly set out each section so that it can be used as it's own framework to get Communities of Learners and Leadership in Education to think strategically as well as creatively about assessing and reviewing -˜where they are' in preparation for an Inspection. However, I see this book as a Bible for effective Learning & Teaching, Management & Leadership as well as including Learners, Parents & Governors alike.
    Each Chapter has some wonderul -˜Tips and Tools' for developing outstanding practice and let it be known that her -˜words of wisdom' can have an overwhelming impact on the Learning & Teaching in your own classrooms -” I have done it myself -” and proof is in the pudding.
    This is NOT JUST a book for -˜The Perfect Ofsted Inspection' but a brilliant book that every educationalist should use and implement in order to ensure that our Learners get the best, creative and most thought provoking education we can deliver in the 21st Century.
    Jackie Beere hits the high notes once again -” to you I say -˜Thank you'.
  9. The great thing about `The Perfect (Ofsted) Inspection` is its clarity. Written in a clear, concise style, it is quick and easy to read -” perfect for busy school leaders Throughout there are short relevant case studies, and useful summaries, checklists and top tips. As a result you find yourself making links and noting new ideas, almost without realising. The only downside is that, with the advent of no notice inspections, different advice about how to prepare is now needed.
  10. In the three very different schools at which I have been fortunate enough to be Head, I have endeavoured to follow my core values, ensuring that we focus on the essential ingredients of a successful school: a happy community, effective teaching and learning, success at all levels, and a host of enrichment activities.
    But teaching is about more than values as we also need to be accountable - which means OFSTED and league tables. The goal posts have changed continually in my 11 years as a Head, and if at times it's challenging for me to be aware of the newly-amended criteria, how then are classroom teachers, governors and parents able to keep sight of this ever-changing landscape?
    So, perfectly timed is the arrival of Jackie Beere's fantastic book -˜The Perfect OFSTED Inspection'.
    As I write this, I await yet another full inspection within a tougher framework and more punitive gradings. Impending OFSTED inspections are not conducive to sleep-filled nights, but with Jackie's most readable book I am already reassured.
    Three immediate salient points come from this book.
    - It is an excellent -˜quick read' for everyone involved in schools, and offers an extremely factual summary of what OFSTED teams will focus on.
    - It is full of practical hints and check lists. All staff, whether they be on leadership teams or in the classroom, will be able to take away immediate -˜to do' lists of action points, and there are some gems of advice.
    - Most importantly, the book never loses sight of what we should be concentrating on in schools, namely, what goes on this the classroom. Reading this alongside Jackie's previous book -˜The Perfect OFSTED Lesson' makes complete sense and reminds us that an inspection should really be about learning, rather than jumping through another set of hoops.
    Since reading this book in the last few weeks ago it has already helped me prepare my staff for potential OFSTED through whole school training, presentations and practical advice which will benefit and reassure staff.
    Jackie's book is very much based on her wide-ranging experiences in schools and is empathetic in its approach. Her experience as a teacher, an AST, Headteacher, SIP and trainer are all evident. She has a passion for learning and a great belief in the potential of all students. A mere OFSTED inspection wouldn't alter that! Great stuff.

  11. `The Perfect Ofsted Inspection` is a powerful, practical and perceptive guide that will help to ensure that your school is indisputably outstanding. Compelling insights from the author and constructive case studies demonstrate how to know exactly the strengths and weaknesses of your school and what everyone can do to address them.

    Jackie's witty and assertive style, commonsense strategies and to-the-point checklists give rise to an essential companion for professionals at all levels in education who aspire to -˜get it right' in inspection (by first getting it right for their students).

    Mapped against the 2012 Ofsted Inspection Framework, Jackie walks the reader apace through embedding your vision, learning in lessons and the inspection process itself. Simple, but not simplistic, this book sets out what is really needed for a school to be genuinely outstanding. Not for the sake of inspection (which is a bonus) but to ensure better outcomes for all learners at all times.

    If yours is a good school on the journey to becoming outstanding -” or an outstanding school on the journey to becoming world class -” then `The Perfect Ofsted Inspection` is the book for you.

  12. The Perfect Ofsted Inspection>

    The Perfect Ofsted Inspection offers school leaders a cogent and concise analysis of the challenges of the new Ofsted framework. In addition it offers school leaders comprehensive and competent solutions to ensure that the -˜outstanding' judgement is lived, breathed and witnessed in the daily life of the school.
    As with her previous books, Jackie has once again developed her own outstanding practice of separating the kernels from the husks and allowing the school leader to plan, prepare and prioritise strategies for school improvement in order to reach the -˜promised land' of -˜outstanding'.
    Her style remains witty and her anecdotes informative and such a personalised style adds to the enjoyment of a subject matter that can sometimes appear rather stale on the surface. She brings to life the importance of ensuring that schools are places where staff and students ought to progress daily. In this way, as a school leader, I found the book not only to be informative but also transformative.

    John Toal, Director of Ethos, Learning and Teaching, St Ambrose College
  13. The Perfect Ofsted Inspection
    A highly practical and comprehensive guide that will ensure that you show your school and its achievements at its best. The Perfect Ofsted Inspection skilfully provides advice and guidance alongside actual case studies of how the advice works in practice. This book is a must for any leadership team, middle leader and governing body. Read in conjunction with The Perfect Ofsted Lesson, all schools should be better placed to meet the demands of the Ofsted visit.

    Julie Summerfield, Head Teacher, Horndean Technology College

  14. The Perfect Ofsted Inspection

    Jackie Beere's book The Perfect Ofsted Inspection is an essential guide to preparing for the 2012 inspection framework. It covers everything from self-evaluation to using Parent View effectively, from pointers for governors and teaching assistants to teachers and the senior leadership team. It is succinctly written with good real-life examples of outstanding practice. It is an effective summary of what a school should have in place to achieve the best Ofsted possible and it is accessible for all involved in school improvement.
    We all live with the shadow of Ofsted and Jackie's book provides some bright lights to help diminish this shadow. The Perfect Ofsted Inspection gives schools the confidence to strive to be outstanding, to be open with inspectors and clear in the process of the inspection.
    Mark Ratchford, Head Teacher, Glapthorn CE Lower School, Northamptonshire

  15. The Perfect Ofsted Inspection

    The Perfect Ofsted Inspection is more than a useful addition to the literature -” it is essential reading. It is also easy to like. I read it in two sessions and will read it again with a pen in hand to create a to-do list.

    The book is very readable on account of the lively style, well-chosen case studies, checklists and summaries. It stands in stark contrast to the worthy tomes we all buy and never have the heart to read.

    The author is suitably authoritative and brisk -” and understands that a bit of bossiness saves busy staff a lot of time. Buy it.

    Tim Bartlett, former head teacher

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