Product reviews for The Perfect (Ofsted) Inspection

Mark Ratchford

The Perfect Ofsted Inspection

Jackie Beere's book The Perfect Ofsted Inspection is an essential guide to preparing for the 2012 inspection framework. It covers everything from self-evaluation to using Parent View effectively, from pointers for governors and teaching assistants to teachers and the senior leadership team. It is succinctly written with good real-life examples of outstanding practice. It is an effective summary of what a school should have in place to achieve the best Ofsted possible and it is accessible for all involved in school improvement.
We all live with the shadow of Ofsted and Jackie's book provides some bright lights to help diminish this shadow. The Perfect Ofsted Inspection gives schools the confidence to strive to be outstanding, to be open with inspectors and clear in the process of the inspection.
Mark Ratchford, Head Teacher, Glapthorn CE Lower School, Northamptonshire
Guest | 29/02/2012 00:00
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