Perfect Teacher-Led CPD

By: Shaun Allison


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Size: 174 x 124mm
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781781351369
Format: Hardback
Published: May 2014

All successful schools have one thing in common – they are full of brilliant teachers. This doesn’t happen by chance. If schools are to develop their teachers into first rate reflective and high performing practitioners, they need a varied and personalised CPD programme – based on collaboration and sharing best practice. This book looks at how schools can move away from the ‘one size fits all’ approach to CPD that still exists in a number of schools, to a CPD programme that will appeal to a range of teachers, unlocking the potential that exists within the staffroom. It’s about excellence from within. The book covers: leadership, school improvement, staff development, teaching excellence, growth mindsets and much more.

Chapters include:

  1. Why Teachers Matter – Why CPD Matters
  2. 15 Minute Forums
  3. Coaching
  4. Learning Development Groups
  5. Action Research
  6. Professional Learning Visits
  7. INSET Days and Staff Meetings
  8. Lesson Observation Review and Reflection
  9. TeachMeets
  10. Lesson Study
  11. Social Media
  12. Student-Led CPD
  13. Next Steps

Picture for author Shaun Allison

Shaun Allison

Shaun Allison started teaching science in West Sussex, before becoming a head of science. He is currently deputy head teacher at Durrington High School. He leads on CPD and is interested in supporting teachers to grow and develop their classroom practice. He is also a popular speaker.

Click here to read Shaun Allison’s blog.


  1. This is an up to date guide covering some of the most current ideas in teacher CPD. I think teachers and school managers alike would find this book interesting, easy to use and highly accessible. I hope as a result of reading this many more teachers take ownership for their own professional development."
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  3. The stated purpose of this book is to describe useful CPD strategies that can work either at whole-school or subject level. Information about each strategy is given under these five headings: Description of the strategy, How it has been successfully implemented (and how problems were overcome), Evaluation of the strategy, How use of Twitter can enable participants to share thoughts, & A summary of what is necessary for the strategy to be implemented. Discussed are: 15 minute forums; Coaching; Learning development groups; Action research; Professional learning visits; INSET days & staff meetings; Lesson observation, review, & reflection; TeachMeets; Lesson study; and Social media; Student-led CPD. The book finishes with -˜Next steps' and -˜Wider reading'. Looks like a very useful guide. Plus this is an unusually good book in physical terms - handy size, good feel, excellent look of print on the page.
  4. A comprehensive guide to CPD methods which is well written and accessible. Covering a wide range of topics including Lesson Study, Teachmeets and Action Research it gives anyone interested in delivering educational training enough information to get started with any of the methods contained.

    I was particularly impressed by how Shaun manages to breaks down some of the more complex methods such as Action Research into easy to follow instructions.

    This is a book I am certain I will use as a reference for many years to come. I would unreservedly recommend this to anyone interested in delivering CPD sessions.

    See the blog here:
  5. This book successfully pulls together a range of tried and tested methods for teacher-led CPD into an accessible format. It is easy to read, yet informed by evidence from practice. You will probably have heard of most of the ideas it suggests, but it summarises them in a way that means they can be relatively easily implemented and evaluated in your own school. At a time when schools need CPD that is affordable and effective, this book is worth the fairly small investment in money and time it requires, as it will make you think about how you can make your school CPD better.
  6. I've just had the pleasure of reading the latest book in the Perfect series by @shaun_allison, -˜Perfect Teacher-Led CPD-˜. As someone who has written one of the books in the series, I always know, having gone through the copy-edit process, that the books are always put together really well, having followed Shaun and his work for some time too and had some of my blogs added to his -˜classteaching-˜ blog, I was keen to see what he had to say.

    I found it a real breeze to read and found it very re-affirming. It chimed with lots of the things that I've been involved in for a number of years and some things I'm working with at the moment. I found the numerous templates and guides within the book, for example the action research applications and the professional learning visits to look particularly useful -” I know I'll be making some use of these. There's lots in here for people in the role of managing and organising professional development within a school. There is a lot in there too for folk who might be looking to spice up their careers a bit too if your school doesn't currently offer you some of the professional development that Shaun talks about within the book. I think it's a really useful book.

    Areas covered in the book include: why teachers & CPD matter, 15 minute forums, coaching, learning development groups, action research, professional learning visits, INSET days & staff meetings, lesson observation review and reflection, TeachMeets, lesson study, social media, student-led CPD and next steps.

    Apart from his obvious omission of not having me on his Twitter list I would say the book covers these sections well. What Shaun does is open the door to you taking the ideas from the book and then be able to take them further yourself; it's not an idiot's guide after all! If there was a section that is missing or at least something I would have liked covered; I would have liked to have heard Shaun's thoughts on methodologies he has for ensuring colleagues are able to keep up-to-date with their use of technology -” may be that should be in my next book?

    All in all, it's a great, handy sized guide to keep leaders who have whole staff professional learning within their responsibility remit in check to ensure that schools produce, as he says, “happy, confident and successful young people”.
  7. When you were thrown off your university course, and expected to teach, there would have been a sense of trepidation, fear, joy and loneliness as you approached your first teaching position. Did the university prepare you for all the challenges ahead? What about future changes to the curriculum you may be expected to teach? What about the reality of facing real idiosyncrasies in pupils (and their parents), compared to the theories studied and limited experiences you would have tackled in training?

    This is where Continuing Professional Development (CPD) kicks into action but this, in itself, is undergoing a mammoth transformation as budgets are squeezed, local authorities support disappears, with schools and teachers scratching around trying to fill the gaps to develop practice. Shaun Allison justly distinguishes this in his book Perfect (Teacher Led) CPD, exploring the challenges and opportunities which teachers now have developing their own professional development.

    Within the book, Allison recognises that staff need a range of CPD opportunities that will engage, enthuse and motivate them with traditional channels of training evolving into a more personalised set of needs identified by teachers themselves. School leaders need to challenge their training models with a useful collection of key questions to challenge thinking and future steps. As the book highlights, teachers are highly reflective (and critical) when it comes to their own practice and want to be the best they possibly can be, but also teachers want to progress by working alongside peers to learn best practice and ideas which they can implement into their own classroom.

    The book progresses, sharing chapters in how settings can best implement CPD for the benefit of staff and the school as a whole: 15 minute forums are a great idea, and react very well against unengaging staff meetings; coaching -” in a supportive and progressive approach; Learning Development Groups -” groups of teachers meeting together to share ideas, challenges and practice; Action Research -” usually via professional programmes; Professional Learning Visits -” visiting another school give you a great insight to different perspectives; INSET days and staff meeting -” clear focus needed; Lesson observation reviews and reflection; Lesson studies -” collaborative lesson building with other teachers, and reflections afterwards; and student-led CPD -” yes, feedback from those who consume the lessons you deliver -” scary, but can be insightful.

    A lot of personal responsibility with CPD can be gained by visiting TeachMeets (click here to see our events page for information if there is one near you soon) and although it can be a little daunting to present at one of these events, they are a great opportunity to pick up ideas, resources and meet other teachers who will be in a similar professional position to you. We were interested in the -˜Social Media' chapter, as Allison recognises twitter becoming an important source of CPD for teachers, with many using it to share ideas, resources as well as discuss issues and initiate a range of collaborative projects. #ukedchat is one of the many qualities mentioned in the book, however blogs and chats are recognised as a great evaluative source. Get connected.

    With the changes mentioned earlier, it is now up to school leaders and (more importantly) individual teachers to take responsibility for their own professional development. Shaun Allison offers a great range of options which are easily accessible, engaging and manageable for all to develop professionally to support improved teaching and learning practices which can help to benefit all involved in education.
  8. What Shaun has done with Perfect Teacher-Led CPD is pool together a number of excellent resources and ideas into one book. It is an essential read for all school leaders and ones who particularly value putting teachers at the core of whole school CPD. The book is easy to read, easy to implement and easy to see the instant impact and improvement the strategies will have. Shaun weaves together a breadth of theory, ideas and practical examples with excellent effect and provides clarity throughout. The structure throughout provides insight into a variety of approaches that ensure teachers are fully immersed in the professional development that takes place. The guidance, 'evaluation' and numerous 'To-do lists' ensure that thoughtful discussions can take place before actually rolling out a bespoke programme. The access to Shaun's vast knowledge and experience is crucial and a great resource to draw upon. Where it is said that most solutions to problems are actually found within our own schools, Shaun clearly puts forward an argument, the research, and the methods to implement a CPD programme that puts teachers at the heart of school development.
  9. Perfect Teacher-Led CPD is a priceless summary of a whole range of strategies to put developing teaching at the heart of school life. Whilst all around us in the educational world is changing Shaun Allison articulates with utter clarity the eternal truth -” the only thing that really matters to a school is improving teaching -” and then shows us how teachers can lead the development of practice. This timely book is essential reading for all school leaders.
  10. This is an excellent book that any teacher or school leader interested in developing the professional culture in their school should read. Not only has Shaun succeeded in pulling together a superb collection of strategies that are all well worth trying, his book has a fabulous energy about it. He captures the spirit of great CPD in every chapter; teachers as professionals sharing their insights, seeking out evidence, looking for feedback and continually striving to improve their practice.

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