Product reviews for Perfect Teacher-Led CPD

David Fawcett, PE teacher, Learning Innovator and Educational Consultant
What Shaun has done with Perfect Teacher-Led CPD is pool together a number of excellent resources and ideas into one book. It is an essential read for all school leaders and ones who particularly value putting teachers at the core of whole school CPD. The book is easy to read, easy to implement and easy to see the instant impact and improvement the strategies will have. Shaun weaves together a breadth of theory, ideas and practical examples with excellent effect and provides clarity throughout. The structure throughout provides insight into a variety of approaches that ensure teachers are fully immersed in the professional development that takes place. The guidance, 'evaluation' and numerous 'To-do lists' ensure that thoughtful discussions can take place before actually rolling out a bespoke programme. The access to Shaun's vast knowledge and experience is crucial and a great resource to draw upon. Where it is said that most solutions to problems are actually found within our own schools, Shaun clearly puts forward an argument, the research, and the methods to implement a CPD programme that puts teachers at the heart of school development.
Guest | 07/05/2014 01:00
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