Product reviews for Parents First

Kathleen Ginn, Rapid Sensory Learning for Studying
As a life long learner when I was asked to review this book, my immediate reaction was “how could I review such a book given the fact I have chosen not to have children?” However, on entering into the world of learning as Garry and Kay have presented it, the book is clearly written with the idea of creating win/win for both parents and children. As someone who co-created and developed a programme that allows adult learners to get in touch with their biology for learning effectively, it is interesting to note that the initial stages of research on Rapid Sensory Learning for Studying and the conclusions of “Parents First” are one and the same. Techniques are great, however learning is without a doubt a “people' based and success is based on people feeling confident in their skills and who they are as a human being.

Self esteem comes from self confidence and both of these are sadly lacking in today's society as many adults themselves have neither. Thus Garry and Kay have recognized the importance of having parents take responsibility for their children's learning instead of relying on a system whose focus is solely on academic achievement instead of a balance between life skills and academic achievements. It is interesting to note that businesses who recognize their employees potential as people first have the highest productivity and happiness in the work place. The same applies within educational facilities. By encouraging parents to be part of their children's learning ” both parent and child are creating stronger bonds of love through better communication, effective understanding and more importantly tolerance of differences.

The book is filled with practical techniques, tips and inspirational quotes and thoughts from people past and present. However, the real gem of the book is the understanding that a values based educational system will naturally bring about academic achievement because the students are first and foremost listened to, appreciated for their abilities and talents, encouraged to become integrated human beings in mind, body and spirit and lastly to know they can make a difference to their relationships, their community and the world at large.

A bold book that is prepared to step outside the box of rules and regulations laid down by “powers that be' and to encourage parents and children to reconnect through our natural desire for learning, to feel connected to others and to believe we can make a difference by being successful in all areas of life.

A must read for all people who are willing to listen to their hearts and desirous of making a better world by understanding that education is useless unless we all appreciate our differences and choices in learning, skills, values and expression. My congratulations to the authors for their passion and belief that just because the system no longer supports educators and children, that there is always a way to find a solution and their love for learning, making a difference and serving others without a doubt shines through in this book of win/win.
Guest | 14/09/2004 01:00
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