We all want our children to reach their fullest potential in life and studies now show that children become more successful when their parents are active learning partners. Head teachers report marked improvements in the attainment and behaviour of the children whose parents get involved in the learning process. Parents First has bags of support and practical advice for schools and parents, offering a head-start in understanding the skills children need to think, planand learn more effectively.
The book contains an accessible range of activities and information designed to investigate topics like effective questioning, new methods of solving problems, and boredom-free study skills. Learning that learning can be fun when using a variety of media and strategies, parents are introduced to the concept of multi-sensory teaching methods that give them practical ways to become the active learning partners their children need.
After encountering Parents First, parents feel able to communicate more effectively with their children, resulting in more meaningful family relationships.
Kay Jarvis was a tutor in the faculty of Health and Social Care at the University of Lincoln, where she spearheaded the Parents and Children Working Together Project. She regularly ran training courses for parents on lifelong learning skills, and was a high school governor. Kay now spends her time on research, travel and writing.
Garry Burnett has been an English teacher, advisor and advanced skills teacher (AST) and a lead practitioner and head of department for over 35 years. He has written and lectured extensively on teaching and learning, creativity and parenting all around the world.
Now focused on his own original creative writing, he is currently engaged in producing Turn and Face the Strange, the hit show about the Hull-born musician Mick Ronson, and the screenplay Moonage Daydream, telling the story of David Bowie and Mick's musical collaboration. .
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