Principled Headship equips you with the essential skills needed for a future in school leadership. Pioneering a programme of techniques and exercises using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and a combination of left and right brained approaches, it includes indirect suggestions, visual image associations and extensive work on personal beliefs. Written in a light and personal style, it will improve your ability to lead, communicate and motivate.
The book covers a range of personal skills that are currently given insufficient prominence in teacher training. It provides you with practical ways of improving your awareness and your emotional, behavioural, linguistic and self-management skills. It also presents a fresh and practical approach to clarifying and consolidating a core of personal beliefs and values. If you are contemplating launching yourself into a teaching career, and especially if headship is your aim, Principled Headship is the book that will help you achieve your goals.
Terry Mahony is head of Hampshire’s Professional Development & Training Service and a trainer on the Leading From the Middle programme of the National College for School Leadership. He has twenty years’ experience as a leadership trainer and coach and is an accredited mediator with the Portsmouth Mediation Service, working to resolve conflicts in the community and the workplace in that city. A member of Robert Dilt’s NLP Global Training and Consulting Community, he writes on the applications of Neuro-Linguistic Programming in education, personal professional development and in mediation.
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