
The Ladder is now available!
15 February 2021
‹Written by Andrew ˜Bernie™ Bernard, The Ladder: Supporting students towards successful futures and confident career choices contains everything educators need to know in order to be effective advocates for young people and their future aspirations, pathways and career aims. Find out more and order your copy here.

Professor Nigel Adams, Director, Buckingham Enterprise & Innovation Unit (BEIU), University of Buckingham:

Bernie is an amazing man whose passion has helped develop and encourage young people to aspire and to be successful, whatever their background or level of education. His very readable and useful new book continues this tradition “ as Bernie™s passion and enthusiasm to help anyone, and not just young people, is clear throughout The Ladder.

If you are a school head, a teacher, a careers lead, a parent or a businessperson, then parts, if not all, of this book are for you. It can be used over many years to encourage you and to provide advice, guidance and sources of information. The Ladder will help anyone who, like me, believes that we must help encourage and support all young people to develop and then achieve their dreams.
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Emily Hunt has been interviewed on the DailySTEM podcast
12 February 2021
‹Listen to the podcast episode here. In order to take advantage of the fantastic giveaway of Emily™s latest book 15-Minute STEM Book 2, follow the instructions in this tweet from @dailystem:

Discover 15-Minute STEM Book 2 here.
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Love Teaching, Keep Teaching has been reviewed!
11 February 2021
Teaching must be one of the few professions in the world where those resigning say that it isn™t the job itself “ classroom teaching “ that is causing them to leave. In the first sentence of his introduction to Love Teaching, Keep Teaching, Peter Radford states that ˜Teaching is the best job in the world™, despite his suffering from burnout and leaving the profession. This paradox underpins his book. 

Peter Radford™s honest account of why and how he left the job he loved asks questions of the education system, of those who lead schools, and of us as individual teachers. It considers the responsibility we have to take care of ourselves and to prioritise using our energy and passion in the classroom, where it matters, and the reason we went into teaching in the first place. It contains a wealth of suggestions about how we can look after our mental health better and spend more time with those closest to us. In that sense, it is a self-help book. 

But Love Teaching, Keep Teaching offers much more, too. It challenges us to take an objective look at what education is for, at our schools™ priorities, and at the amount of time we are expected to spend on administration and management tasks. Peter Radford charges school leaders with the responsibility of taking care of the wellbeing and mental health of their staff and suggests ways in which this can be achieved. The alternative, he argues with conviction, is to run the risk that teachers will exhaust themselves trying to meet the expectations of the exam system, of the school™s leadership, of the countless tasks unrelated to teaching and of a high-stakes accountability system which values judgement over support. 

If you are thinking of resigning and you love teaching, Peter Radford™s book might support you to keep teaching, at least while you look for another school that values you more. If you are happy in your school and cared for, Love Teaching, Keep Teaching will enable you to evaluate how you approach the job you love and give you guidance to make you love it even more. Either way, Peter Radford™s book should be on the shelves of every staff library and in the hands of every teacher to read and then dip into throughout their teaching career.

Steve Waters, founder and CEO, Teach Well Alliance

Discover Love Teaching, Keep Teaching here.
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ASBO Teacher is now available
09 February 2021
Find out more and get your copy of this irreverent guide to surviving in challenging classrooms here.

Haili Hughes, teacher, consultant, journalist and author of Mentoring in Schools:

I sometimes read education books and wonder what kind of school their authors must work in, as many of the strategies seem so alien to my experiences in disadvantaged schools. From the moment I picked up Samuel Elliott™s brilliant book, I felt completely at home.

Like Samuel, I too was a complete swine as a teenager, and his experiences of growing up in the same area as the students he teaches means that when it comes to behaviour, he has seen it all and probably tried it himself! His retelling of his youthful exploits and teaching experiences are laugh-out-loud hilarious; anyone who has worked with teenagers will recognise some of the situations he writes about and feel themselves cringing at his mistakes in dealing with it early on in his career.

The subtitle of this book calls it irreverent, but to label it wholly as this does it a disservice. It is crammed full of brilliant behaviour management strategies that are rooted in research, psychology and Samuel™s own experience, giving teachers a unique insight into why kids might misbehave and what they can do about it.

This book won™t help you turn kids into robots, but its useful realism will genuinely help improve your behaviour management skills. What is more, it is written by someone who is still in the classroom, walking the walk. I will be recommending ASBO Teacher to everyone.
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Mentoring in Schools is now available
08 February 2021
Professor Samantha Twiselton, OBE, Senior Academic and Chair of the DfE Advisory Group for the ITT Core Content Framework:

This is a superb resource for mentors at a time when the role has finally been given the recognition it deserves and is therefore more important than ever. Haili combines a deeply reflective, evidence based approach with a fantastically practical and well-organised format. This makes Mentoring in Schools a book that lends itself both to a long, thought-provoking read and to the possibility of being dipped into at point of need.

Find out more and order your copy here.
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