The Ladder is now available!

Monday, 15 February 2021

‹Written by Andrew ˜Bernie™ Bernard, The Ladder: Supporting students towards successful futures and confident career choices contains everything educators need to know in order to be effective advocates for young people and their future aspirations, pathways and career aims. Find out more and order your copy here.

Professor Nigel Adams, Director, Buckingham Enterprise & Innovation Unit (BEIU), University of Buckingham:

Bernie is an amazing man whose passion has helped develop and encourage young people to aspire and to be successful, whatever their background or level of education. His very readable and useful new book continues this tradition “ as Bernie™s passion and enthusiasm to help anyone, and not just young people, is clear throughout The Ladder.

If you are a school head, a teacher, a careers lead, a parent or a businessperson, then parts, if not all, of this book are for you. It can be used over many years to encourage you and to provide advice, guidance and sources of information. The Ladder will help anyone who, like me, believes that we must help encourage and support all young people to develop and then achieve their dreams.

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