
Brilliantly written and unputdownable
27 May 2021
œBrilliantly written and unputdownable, The Five Clues is a great read which illustrates the virtue of resilience and the psychological teachings of the Three Principles through a gripping story.

Set against a backdrop of adversity and anxieties, Edie Marble navigates her way through a complex world. She faces up to challenges with an ineffable quality “ and, rather than letting the situation overcome her, she
finds ways to rise up and better herself.

I loved the story, characters and concepts, and I know that my 13-year-old son will love Edie™s strong character and dedication to a cause. I can™t wait for the next book in the series.

Sammy Margo, chartered physiotherapist and author of The Good Sleep Guide and The Good Sleep Guide for Kids.

Don™t Doubt the Rainbow is a new contemporary middle-grade detective series with a difference “ to solve each mystery, 13-year-old Edie Marble must harness the Three Principles, a new approach to understanding how the mind works that is currently proving invaluable in improving mental health and well-being in children internationally.

The first book in the series, The Five Clues, is a real-time murder-mystery thriller and family drama, combining an exciting race against time with a heart-rending story about a teenager learning to live with the loss of a beloved parent. Find out more.
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Read Samuel Elliott's article in The Headteacher
26 May 2021
Trainee teachers are told time and time again to use group work. Often, the pressure is not formally applied.

Read the full article here.

Covering a range of issues spanning behaviour management, lesson structure, resource preparation and narratives in the classroom, Samuel's new book ASBO Teacher is a blueprint for becoming a particular kind of teacher “ one who has high expectations, a concern for pupil well-being, and a knack for ushering learners into more effective learning. Find out more here.
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Leader has been highly commended in the Business Book Awards 2021!
26 May 2021
‹Click here to see the winners.

In this wide-ranging book, Katy and Emmie eloquently combine up-to-date research in psychology and neuroscience with inspiring examples of success to show that leadership can be learned and that it is all about looking after your people.

They take you on a journey to meet a diverse selection of great leaders from multiple spheres “ from the sports field to the corporate world “ and talk you through the process by which effective leaders have become great leaders.

Discover the book here.
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The Kindness Principle has been reviewed!
25 May 2021
œIn this insightful, thought-provoking and well-researched book, Dave Whitaker provides readers with an in-depth analysis of how staff in schools and colleges can promote positive and effective interaction with students at all levels based on kindness. The author™s hypothesis that behaviour management is based on being kind in difficult and challenging environments is doable in practice is rooted in his credible vast experience. Another key feature of the text is Dave™s skill in intertwining his experience alongside his recognition of effective practice and research into effective behaviour management and meeting the varied needs of learners.

Dave™s kindness principle contrasts with the current practice within a number of local authority schools, academies and colleges where behaviour management is based on strict compliance and, on occasions, zero tolerance in response to conflict resolution. And those readers who have worked in specialist centres such as PRUs will applaud Dave for highlighting the fact that, despite the difficulties faced, the excellent efforts of staff in these off-site centres reduces the isolation, vulnerability, confrontational and challenging behaviour of those students who are labelled as ˜problems™. The key is that through working with role models who engender kindness and consistency, the students learn the skills to reflect on their own behaviour and to improve it.

Another strength of this book is that the strategies and realistic systems outlined to engender, reflect and support kindness “ such as trust, positive recall and gentle reminders “ are well developed and founded on firm practice, and not mere evangelical quick fixes that are ineffective in the long term. Readers will benefit greatly from the ˜Try this™ sections in each chapter, which promote self-reflection and ideas for departmental or whole-school approaches to the challenges that learners face in the school setting, as well as tips to promote skills of de-escalation and conflict resolution.

The Kindness Principle is an outstanding book which should be the basis for staff development on behaviour management and dealing with conflict in all schools and colleges.

John Morris, Director, JTM Educational Consultant

Discover The Kindness Principle here.
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Read Richard Evans' article in Teachwire
21 May 2021
"In my experience, teaching literacy (or any given school subject) in isolation without pupils also gaining a good handle on their own emotional literacy “ what makes them and others tick; how they can adapt themselves for the betterment of both “ has limited long-term benefit."

Read the full article here.

In his new book Independent Thinking on Emotional Literacy, Richard reminds every school educator that behind every child is a set of circumstances so entwined “ and within them a set of emotions so involved “ that to ignore them is to be complicit in any educational failings experienced by that child. Find out more here.
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