Brilliantly written and unputdownable

Thursday, 27 May 2021

œBrilliantly written and unputdownable, The Five Clues is a great read which illustrates the virtue of resilience and the psychological teachings of the Three Principles through a gripping story.

Set against a backdrop of adversity and anxieties, Edie Marble navigates her way through a complex world. She faces up to challenges with an ineffable quality “ and, rather than letting the situation overcome her, she
finds ways to rise up and better herself.

I loved the story, characters and concepts, and I know that my 13-year-old son will love Edie™s strong character and dedication to a cause. I can™t wait for the next book in the series.

Sammy Margo, chartered physiotherapist and author of The Good Sleep Guide and The Good Sleep Guide for Kids.

Don™t Doubt the Rainbow is a new contemporary middle-grade detective series with a difference “ to solve each mystery, 13-year-old Edie Marble must harness the Three Principles, a new approach to understanding how the mind works that is currently proving invaluable in improving mental health and well-being in children internationally.

The first book in the series, The Five Clues, is a real-time murder-mystery thriller and family drama, combining an exciting race against time with a heart-rending story about a teenager learning to live with the loss of a beloved parent. Find out more.

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