
Celebrating Teachers Making a Difference - "an inspirational and at times truly uplifting read"
01 September 2021
Read John Morris' review on this inspirational read by Gary Toward and Chris Henley
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A great and heartbreaking story...
01 September 2021
A great and heartbreaking story... Read the latest review on the first book in Anthony Kessel's Don't Doubt the Rainbow series, The Five Clues
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Justin Robbins and Karen Dempster's four pillars to empower schools to connect better with parents
31 August 2021
We will all be familiar with families who do not engage at all with schools, or the challenges faced by looked-after children, but what is important is that young people need a network of people around them, who can guide them through the ups and downs of growing up.
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Four days To Go In Our Summer Sale!!!
27 August 2021
Don't miss out on your chance to receive up to 50% off your essentials in Our Summer Sale!!
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How to tackle the enduring myth of equality of opportunity...
27 August 2021
Andrew 'Bernie' Bernard's take on the idea that every child has equal access to the tools of success and the chance to access the career of their choice regardless of background. In this blog he explains why, in his opinion, this idea doesn’t hold up under too much close scrutiny.
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Check out what people are saying about The Five Clues...
26 August 2021
New reviews added to the list of people talking about The Five Clues from the Don't Doubt The Rainbow series By Anthony Kessel
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