How to tackle the enduring myth of equality of opportunity...

Friday, 27 August 2021

In the wake of the new academic year, Andrew 'Bernie' Bernard's blog post provides a take on the idea that every child has equal access to the tools of success and the chance to access the career of their choice regardless of background. In this blog he explains why, in his opinion, this idea doesn’t hold up under too much close scrutiny.

Andrew `Bernie` Bernard is an entrepreneur, a TEDx Speaker, a director of both Innovative Enterprise and National Careers Week, and a Fellow of the Professional Speaking Association.

In his book, The Ladder: Supporting students towards successful futures and confident career choices he explains everything educators need to know in order to be effective advocates for young people and their future aspirations, pathways and career aims.

To read the full blog click here.

For more information on how to buy The Ladder:Supporting students towards successful futures and confident career choices, click here.

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