
It's competition time!
25 May 2017
‹To enter our competition simply let us know your answer to this question, œIf The Philosophy Shop was a real shop, what would you buy?

To enter via Twitter click here.

To enter via Facebook visit our page ˜Crown House Publishing™.

But hurry, the competition closes at mid night tonight!

The lucky winner will be announced tomorrow and will receive:

˜The Philosophy Foundation: The Philosophy Shop™ by Andrew Day, David Birch and Peter Worley - Click here to look inside.

˜The Philosophy Foundation: Thoughtings™ by Andrew Day and Peter Worley - Click here to look inside.

˜The Philosophy Foundation: The Numberverse™ by Andrew Day - Click here to look inside.

˜The Philosophy Foundation: Provocations™ by David Birch - Click here to look inside.
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Pupils poems influenced by 'Opening Doors to Quality Writing - ages 10 to 13'
25 May 2017
Click here to view poems written by pupils at various schools, influenced by different parts and units of 'Opening Doors to Quality Writing - Ideas for writing inspired by great writers for ages 10 to 13' by Bob Cox.

Click here to purchase your copy.
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Winner of the People's Book Prize Awards 2017 children's category - 'The Wolf is Not Invited'
24 May 2017
˜The Wolf is Not Invited™ by Avril McDonald was announced the winner of The People™s Book Prize Awards2017 children™s category.


"Wolfgang is left heartbroken when his best friend Catreen runs off without him to play with Clarissa. Spider shows Wolfgang how to make his own fun and Wolfgang realises that there are other great friends out there just waiting to be met! There are some situations and feelings that we cannot change and there are some that we can. Knowing the difference between the two (and some ways to make ourselves feel happy) is a great trick to have up our sleeves!"

Author's Biography:

"Avril McDonald has a Diploma of Education from Wellington College of Education, New Zealand, where she trained as a primary school teacher majoring in music and dance. She has had a varied career in digital entertainment. She launched Feel Brave to help teachers and parents find solutions to help children learn to deal with their emotions and to reach their potential."

Click here to view all the 2017 winners - Congratulations to you all!
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Crown House authors and publications feature in Teach Primary
24 May 2017
‹Featured within Issue 11.4 of Teach Primary are:

Sue Cowley author of ˜Road School™ and ˜The Artful Educator™. Sue voices her opinion on œWhat™s the point of adverbials? If we want children to feel fascinated by learning, they have to see how it relates to the life they want to lead.

Debra Kidd author of ˜Becoming Mobius™, ˜Teaching: Notes From The Front Line™ and co-author of ˜Don™t Change The Light Bulbs™ and ™There Is Another Way™. Debra coveys her point of view on œGreat picture books pack a punch. Are we underestimating the power of picture books in our haste to create readers who will pass tests?

Hywel Roberts author of ˜Oops!™, ˜Bad Hat Harry and Imagineering!™ and co-author of Don™t Change The Light Bulbs™ and ™There Is Another Way™. Hywel expresses œthe people who made me. This includes Jane Hewitt and Professor Mick Waters.

Andy Hargreaves voices his opinion on œWhy not try being the first bubble? Kindness is contagious - recognising the efforts and successes of your colleagues gives everyone a boost. Featured within this article is an extract from ˜Best of the Best: Progress™ by Isabella Wallace and Leah Kirkman.
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Keep your eyes peeled - there's a competition brewing!
24 May 2017
Watch this space and don™t miss out on your chance of winning ˜The Philosophy Shop™ competition.

Further details will be revealed tomorrow!
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We look forward to seeing you all at the Making Assessment Work Conference tomorrow!
24 May 2017
Making Assessment Work

The very idea of assessment is one that can strike terror into the hearts of teachers and pupils alike. This course is presented by a team of high profile, highly-rated speakers who are here to show you that assessment really can work, with the experience and ideas to prove it. Enjoyable, thought-provoking and practical, the day is packed with expert advice across a range of topics including:

- Assessment for Living

- Helping children celebrate mastery of curriculum content

- Using the freedom to be creatively driven

- Irresistible Assessment: practical strategies to boost engagement and success through assessment

Audience: Key Stage 1 and 2 Class Teachers, Curriculum Leaders, School Leaders, System Leaders

Objectives: It often seems that there™s a fog around assessment. When do we do it? How do we do it? And most importantly why? This stimulating and practical day course will leave you full of ideas to ensure that assessment is a tool rather than a hurdle “ a part of the learning itself and cast in a positive light to both teachers and pupils.

Click here for more details on this event.
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