Crown House authors and publications feature in Teach Primary

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

‹Featured within Issue 11.4 of Teach Primary are:

Sue Cowley author of ˜Road School™ and ˜The Artful Educator™. Sue voices her opinion on œWhat™s the point of adverbials? If we want children to feel fascinated by learning, they have to see how it relates to the life they want to lead.

Debra Kidd author of ˜Becoming Mobius™, ˜Teaching: Notes From The Front Line™ and co-author of ˜Don™t Change The Light Bulbs™ and ™There Is Another Way™. Debra coveys her point of view on œGreat picture books pack a punch. Are we underestimating the power of picture books in our haste to create readers who will pass tests?

Hywel Roberts author of ˜Oops!™, ˜Bad Hat Harry and Imagineering!™ and co-author of Don™t Change The Light Bulbs™ and ™There Is Another Way™. Hywel expresses œthe people who made me. This includes Jane Hewitt and Professor Mick Waters.

Andy Hargreaves voices his opinion on œWhy not try being the first bubble? Kindness is contagious - recognising the efforts and successes of your colleagues gives everyone a boost. Featured within this article is an extract from ˜Best of the Best: Progress™ by Isabella Wallace and Leah Kirkman.

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