Written by Ginny Bootman, Independent Thinking on Being a SENDCO: 113 tips for building relationships, saving time and changing lives is an informative guide that identifies simple, tried and tested ways to build and cement strong relationships between all those who work with children with additional needs, whether they are teachers, parents, carers or outside agencies.
What is a SENDCO? A voice. An advocate. A messenger (don’t shoot!). A calm in the storm. A connection. A friend. A forgiveness seeker, not a permission requester. A shot in the dark. A shot at life. The one who listens. The one who knows. The one who cares. The educational professional who campaigns tirelessly on behalf of the children who need more support than most to navigate a system that, at times, seems purposely set up to make them fail.
Relationships are pivotal when working with children with special educational needs (SEN). Trust, honesty and empathy play a vital role in these relationships and is key to these individuals thriving in school and at home. In this book, Ginny Bootman offers a fresh perspective on how SENDCOs can build strong, lasting and effective relationships between those who work with children with additional needs and explores why forming these relationships is so important to help children achieve the best they can and take away positive experiences.
Independent Thinking on Being a SENDCO is designed to help you become a compassionate, honest and determined SENDCO, combining your professionalism with empathy, the ability to listen properly and a desire to understand what the lives of others are like and how you can help. It is a book full of tips that will save you time and energy, useful hacks to help you overcome obstacles and bumps in the road, and proven strategies that will benefit your relationships.
Suitable for SENDCOs, primary and secondary school teachers and leaders, as well as parents of children with additional needs.