When the Adults Change, Everything Changes

Seismic shifts in school behaviour

By: Paul Dix


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Size: 234 x 156mm
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9781781352731
Format: Paperback
Published: June 2017

In When the Adults Change, Everything Changes: Seismic shifts in school behaviour, Paul Dix upends the debate on behaviour management in schools and offers effective tips and strategies that serve to end the search for change in children and turn the focus back on the adults.

You can buy in the best behaviour tracking software, introduce 24/7 detentions or scream ‘NO EXCUSES’ as often as you want – but ultimately the solution lies with the behaviour of the adults. It is the only behaviour over which we have absolute control.

Drawing on anecdotal case studies, scripted interventions and approaches which have been tried and tested in a range of contexts, from the most challenging urban comprehensives to the most privileged international schools, behaviour training expert and Pivotal Education director Paul Dix advocates an inclusive approach that is practical, transformative and rippling with respect for staff and learners. An approach in which behavioural expectations and boundaries are exemplified by people, not by a thousand rules that nobody can recall.

When the Adults Change, Everything Changes illustrates how, with their traditional sanction- and exclusion-led methods, the ‘punishment brigade’ are losing the argument. It outlines how each school can build authentic practice on a stable platform, resulting in shifts in daily rules and routines, in how we deal with the angriest learners, in restorative practice and in how we appreciate positive behaviour.

Each chapter is themed and concludes with three helpful checklists – Testing, Watch out for and Nuggets – designed to help you form your own behaviour blueprint. Throughout the book both class teachers and school leaders will find indispensable advice about how to involve all staff in developing a whole school ethos built on kindness, empathy and understanding.

Suitable for all head teachers, school leaders, teachers, NQTs and classroom assistants – in any phase or context, including SEND and alternative provision settings – who are looking to upgrade their own classroom management or school behaviour plan.

Contents include:

1. Visible Consistency, Visible Kindness

2. The Counter-Intuitive Classroom

3. Deliberate Botheredness

4. Certainty in Adult Behaviour

5. Keystone Classroom Routines

6. Universal Microscripts: Flipping the Script

7. Punishment Addiction, Humiliation Hangover

8. Restore, Redraw, Repair

9. Some Children Follow Rules, Some Follow People

10. Your Behaviour Policy Sucks!

11. The 30 Day Magic

When the Adults Change Everything Changes was a silver winner 2017 Foreword INDIES Awards in the Education category.

Named one of Book Authority’s best education reform books of all time.

Named one of Book Authority’s best education books of all time.

Click here to read the review on Humanising Language Teaching.

Click here to read the review on Schools Week.

Click here to read the review on ‘Saved You a Spot’ blog.

Click here to learn more about When the adults change, everything changes.

The best Special Education books of all time

Picture for author Paul Dix

Paul Dix

As a teacher, leader and teacher trainer, Paul Dix has been working to transform the most difficult behaviour in the most challenging urban schools, referral units and colleges for the last 25 years. In addition to working directly with schools, Paul has advised the Department for Education on the Teachers' Standards, given evidence to the Education Select Committee and done extensive work with the Ministry of Justice on behaviour and restraint in youth custody. Paul is a leading campaigner for the #BanTheBooths campaign (www.banthebooths.co.uk) and is a member of both the IntegratEd Reference Group and the Ethical Leadership Group.


  1. When the Adults Change, Everything Changes is an invaluable book for all teachers. It encourages you to reflect on your own behaviour and mindset so that you can recognise how they can affect your students’ behaviour. The real-life examples that Paul Dix shares enable you to reflect on how you would approach certain situations and why some approaches don’t work. Paul emphasises and explains the importance of consistency and kindness, rather than the ‘punishment road’ which can have a detrimental effect on students’ well-being and development. Furthermore, he provides a practical, common-sense approach to behaviour management, along with concrete strategies to support teachers to implement these approaches within their school or college.

     Overall, this book empowers teachers to make better choices to help improve their students’ behaviour and therefore the learning environment.

  2. After I saw Dix speak, I felt inspired to buy the book immediately and bought a couple for our staffroom. Engaging from the start, the book combines sound advice with practical strategies to implement them successfully. 

    As a school leader, the idea of good behaviour stemming from a positive place rather than a fear of punishment not only resonated with my own values but there is much evidence that it is a successful strategy. 

    I particularly enjoyed the fact that the author clarifies that he is not suggesting that adults take the blame for difficult behaviour in schools, rather that they have the ability to respond in ways which are more effective at getting the results we want. His appraisal of Behaviour Policies from various schools with whom he has worked, serves to open the reader's eyes to some of the mistakes we can all make when trying to nurture a culture of positive behaviour. Better yet, he shows how to turn this around very quickly and creatively.-‹

    Regardless of your own working environment and the behaviour challenges you face, I'd really recommend this book. As the head teacher quoted on the front cover states -˜Paul Dix gets it. After reading this book, you will too'. I completely agree. Five stars.
  3. This is a book which any adult who deals with children, and not just teachers and others who work in school settings, would find enlightening, thought provoking and revealing. As we learn from the little snippets from the school reports of Paul Dix at the end of each chapter, the author has direct experience of being one of the -˜bad boys' and now has more than 25 years of working to transform the most challenging behaviour in schools, referral units and colleges to call upon. As a 14-year-old he vowed he would change the way adults deal with behaviour and I defy any reader not to rethink their own strategies as a result of reading this book. Responsible adults should be just that - always in control of themselves before they attempt to take control of others. But this book is nothing to do with blaming teachers. Paul Dix is angry but he is angry with the lack of proper training in behaviour management and angry with the unrelenting drive for -˜progress', pleasing Ofsted and analysing data which is destroying any ethos of pastoral care. Here chapter by chapter he asks hard hitting questions about school policies and behaviours and shows how these impact on students and often in a very counter- productive way. He writes with humour and the occasional frank expletive, he shares personal anecdotes, observations and tried and tested strategies backed up by theory, case studies and international examples. Each chapter concludes with three helpful checklists: Testing, Watch Out For and Nuggets which sum up, encourage and act as a quick aide memoire going forward. Ultimately the author's message is about consistency and kindness. “ Visible consistency with visible kindness allows exceptional behaviour to flourish” This is a genuine must read that can genuinely transform schools and as his many examples show where improved behaviour leads, improved attainment follows.

    Click here to read the review on Love Reading-˜s website.
  4. "My reading viewpoint

    I was lucky enough to hear Paul speak at a conference (Primary Rocks Live 2017) and was spellbound listening to him. He has a presence and he was talking sense - sense I rarely heard. This led to me wanting to read his book and luckily I finally got my hands on a copy.

    Behaviour is not something I currently have to deal with in my role as I no longer work explicitly within a school but in visiting schools I see a range of behaviour policies, reward systems and sanctions. This and a general reflection on my own behaviour management strategies made me wonder if there was another way, or a -˜best' way to encourage positive behaviour and minimise low-level and more disruptive behaviours. I read this book with a view to enlighten me.


    Dix's book is an easy read. I don't mean to dismiss the content however: the subject matter is complex and takes time to digest. What I mean is that the writing style makes it easy to read. Paul's voice comes through and the combination of advice and anecdotes makes it a page-turner - I even laughed! The chapter layout also helps this, with detail and anecdotes alongside lists and the end of each chapter summarises with areas to watch out for and the -˜nuggets' of the chapter.

    Dix discusses strategies to improve the behaviour management in schools. The content is applicable for primary and secondary and, while the premise of the book focuses on the need for all adults to be -˜on the same page' there are pieces of advice that any teacher can pick up and use. The chapters are clear and linked and take you on a journey through how a school might change things for the better.

    My key takeaways

    1. Consistency is key. This means that all adults need to be on message all of the time. Now, Dix emphasises that this should be a whole-school change and, if you are in a position to do so, this book navigates how this might occur. However, I believe this applies to classrooms too and Dix later recognises the importance of individual routines in classrooms to meet individual class needs. The messaging around consistency of messaging can be applied to the microcosm of the classroom. In essence, if you are going to bring about change then consistency from every adult your pupils come into contact with needs to be the same - teachers, cover supervisors, teaching assistants, midday supervisors, everyone who works within your classroom needs to be clear on the practices you have in place in your classroom. The united front idea is a simple one, but one that I feel I overlooked in my practice.

    2. Naming pupils who do not behave in the way you expect does not help. Dix himself notes that strategies such as -˜name on the board' or -˜sunshine or cloud' for pupils who do not behave as you expect occur in so many classrooms it appears to be something teachers just -˜know' to do rather than something carefully put into place. He argues it reinforces negative behaviour, providing a kind of celebrity status for some pupils, and therefore does not help combat the challenges. The chapter regarding -˜counter intuitive classrooms' is particularly useful for teachers who feel this is not the answer and would like an alternative.

    3. Rewards are not the answer, either. This was interesting for me, as a teacher who used to give out house points and merits with no real thought. Dix argues again for consistency and suggests that no teacher can use rewards consistently and therefore their use becomes meaningless. He makes some useful observations and suggestions about the way in which these might be used or indeed phased out.

    4. Don't react emotionally to bad behaviour. At all. This again sounds obvious, but I am willing to bet that every teacher can identify a time where they allowed emotions to creep in. I certainly can. Dix emphasises the importance of keeping calm and makes a number of suggestions to support this aim. He also emphasises the importance of tone and body language, something I think is often overlooked.

    5. Consider a 30 day rule. I think this is really interesting, important, and does not just apply to behaviour. Dix argues that any change needs to be implemented for 30 days in order to have impact. He notes several examples and is a rule I intend to live by.

    I think you should read this book if-¦

    - You are in a position to change the behaviour policy in your school.
    - You're not able to change your behaviour policy, but want practical advice to implement in your classroom.
    - You're a trainee or NQT who has seen a number of behaviour policies and just aren't sure about any of them."

    Click here to read the review on Lisa's blog.
  5. "This book criticises the ever-popular notion that in order to improve behaviour in schools, one must give the harshest, most punitive punishment in order to deter students from misbehaving in the future.  Dix argues that although this may deter the vast majority of students, there still exists a small proportion for whom these punitive approaches don't work which leads to a ramping up of punishments until the inevitable exclusion.

    Yet, “what if we played with the cards we were dealt” and exclusion wasn't an option?  Dix offers alternative approaches that mainly stem from building solid relationships with students.  He argues that once relationships are strong, these hard-core students are often more than happy to do anything for you.  Dix argues that these hard-core students have often experienced severe trauma in their lives at some point, leading to a large distrust in adults.  As a result, they will not listen or respect you until you have first shown them how much you care about them.

    The second important point is that a school culture is crucial when managing behaviour.  He indicates that “if the quickest way for a pupil to achieve celebrity in your school is by being the worst behaved, you have a culture problem.” If the correct culture exists, where people behave because its “just what you do here” then it is easier for the hard-core students to fit in.  By gaining celebrity status by misbehaving, schools with poor cultures are exacerbating the problem and probably making their behaviour worse as these students are receiving the attention they crave."

    Click here to read the full review.
  6. Having heard Paul speak several times, I had hugely high expectations of this book and I wasn't disappointed.  The opening chapter says it all - -˜visible consistency, visible kindness.' This book is more than words on a page, it almost becomes a mantra; a place to reflect on your own practice and how it impacts the students we work with. Offering authentic solutions for the problems we face in classrooms every day, this book will revolutionise your concept of behaviour.
  7. I have known of Pivotal's work for three years now. In 2013, I sent my assistant principal to be a Pivotal trainer and she returned to transform the culture and the feel of a very broken and challenging school through the development of positive relationships, a focus on encouragement and a restorative approach to student behaviour. The impact was huge, with the exclusion rated being reduced by 94% in one year. 

    In the summer, I took over as Principal at Humber UTC and my first job was to ask staff to read Paul's book, which was intended as more than just a resource for them to use as a blueprint for a new positive discipline policy. The feedback was fantastic with staff asking how quickly we were going to embed this new way of thinking. 

    The beauty of this book is that it is not full of theory and examples of how to -˜get your students to behave', it's a manual for how your school culture can evolve to one where positivity and botherdness  about students can be at the core of your practise. It is about a sustainable model for school improvement where students are truly at the heart of your vision.

    The impact that our Pivotal approach at Humber has has so far is already telling. Students and staff are growing to like each other! The behaviour approach has changed from -˜stick with no carrot' to -˜lots of carrot' and you don't hear angry staff shouting at students any more. We have used Pivotal's excellent
    full day behaviour training to share the five pillars of the approach with staff, so that we are consistent in our attitudes to students and they are consistent with us. 

    It is early days, but staff are already happier. Our staff absence rate is very low and our students have talked about the fact we care about them more. Students are freely writing emails to me about how good their experience is at the UTC. 

    This book and the Pivotal resources that go with it are gold dust for any leader who wants to transform their school into one where relationships matter and school improvement is more than just about helping a select few to learn.
  8. Changing adults . . . How one book is transforming our school!

    One relatively inexpensive intervention is changing our school for the better: When the Adults Change, Everything Changes by Paul Dix has been the driving force behind us getting to grips with a consistent school approach to behaviour. Our school has always been rated as outstanding for behaviour but there have been pockets of children with persistent poor behaviour, and the children have always behaved better for teachers than for support staff.

    Reading this book changed my practice overnight, and I've been teaching for 28 years. I knew it was just what we needed, so I've become something of an evangelist.  Now staff are reading it and we've based training and practice around what we truly believe to be the way forward. Support staff feel they have the language to deal with misbehaviour and that they are part of a consistent approach. There is a noticeable calmness about all the staff and they can't wait to come into the staffroom and tell everyone else how “the script” has worked! Some are even using it on their own children at home.

    Children have responded extremely positively to the new rules we've introduced: ready, respectful, safe. They're enjoying thinking about how any old “rules” we had, which were hardly written down or formalised, can be incorporated into these three words. They talk about their own behaviour and the effect it has on others in these terms. Children and staff have a shared language.

    Some education books are so self-worthy that they're difficult to plough through. When the Adults Change, everything change  is beautifully written - engaging, humorous and so full of practical ideas it's almost impossible not to stick a post-it on or highlight every page. It's now referred to as “the book'” in school and every member of staff knows what that means!

    It's true to say that as a whole staff we're at the beginning of our journey, but in terms of whole school impact it has already been hugely beneficial in terms of giving staff more confidence, (especially support staff), giving children a vocabulary to use for behaviour, reducing the amount of expensive time senior staff are spending dealing with incidents and enhancing the school's positive ethos.

    I can't recommend When the Adults Change, everything Changes highly enough, and I know that if you were to ask the staff in school they would all say exactly the same. Thank you, Paul Dix and Pivotal Education!
  9. After completing an exhausting academic year in July 2017, due to dealing with the extremely challenging behaviours pupils across our school were presenting with on a daily basis it was abundantly clear that our approach to managing behaviour wasn't working and something needed to change. With this in mind, I read Paul Dix's book over the summer holidays which completely transformed my thinking and enabled me to establish a clear action plan around a whole school approach to managing children's behaviour. As the title suggests -˜When the Adults Change, everything Changes', it was obvious that a change of culture and mind set was needed - we needed to change.

    The practical nature of the book meant that it was full to the brim with easy cost-effective strategies which has enabled us to implement these changes and these changes have had an immediate impact on the everyday life of every member of our school community. Paul stated that -˜small visible shifts in adult behaviour have an incredible effect on children's behaviour' and we have been able to witness this first hand. We started very simply with what Paul Dix refers to as -˜Botheredness.' Every class teacher greets every child with a hand shake. We actively encourage daily acts of care and interest resulting in our children starting their school day feeling calmer, feeling valued and feeling safe.  We are all being relentlessly bothered in order to maintain a positive rapport with our pupils

    Next, we simplified our behaviour policy introducing just three whole school rules which has defined whole school behaviour expectations and has created visible consistencies for our whole school community. There isn't an adult or pupil who does not know what our three school rules are; suffice to say this wasn't the case before. Additionally, we have introduced the '30 Second Intervention' which is providing a planned, predictable and safe way to send clear messages to the children about their behaviour. Before this, staff were responding emotionally to behaviour and were deferring to SLT which was undermining their relationship with the child.

    We are still very much at the beginning of our journey, but everything we have implemented thus far has come straight from what we have learned directly from reading Paul Dix's book; consequently, there have been no costs involved but the results we have seen have been transformational and have demonstrated high impact. We understand that the culture in our school is set by the way the adults behave. We will continue on our journey using Paul Dix's highly commended book to ensure that we are continue to develop positive behaviour practice.
  10. 1. What is your overall impression of the book?

    When the adults change everything changes is a core read for anyone who works with children. The main message in the book is that by having a whole-team approach to behaviour management - where the behavior of the adults is consistent and sets an example - change really can happen for the best among students.

    The book promotes a simplified behaviour policy that reinforces clear behavior expectations that are exemplified by people, rather than just endless rules that nobody knows. It outlines how, as adults, we can shift routines and develop an appreciation for positive behavior using tactics such as -˜recognition boards' and -˜going above and beyond'.

    Dix draws on his own experience as a teacher, leader and trainer who has spent 25 years working in some of the most challenging schools, referral units and colleges. He interweaves -˜real' case studies alongside tried-and-tested strategies that have been used in a range of schools with a variety of backgrounds, from the most challenging comprehensives to international schools. The book demonstrates how these approaches place the focus back on adults and reiterate the importance of simple human interaction. Most importantly, it provides a clear message about the importance of children knowing who they can trust and who has given up on them. It really is powerful stuff.

    2. Who do you think would benefit most from reading the book? What will they learn?

    This book is a valuable read for all members of the school community - from head teachers to NQTs and classroom assistants - in all settings (including primaries, secondaries and alternative provisions). It reminds us of the importance of human interaction and the need for empathy and understanding for all children.

    Any professional who wants to put children back at the heart of their school and develop a consistent approach to behavior management would benefit from this book. Each chapter has useful themes that always finish with three checklists - -˜testing', -˜watch out for' and -˜nuggets'. These are quick and easy to refer to when developing a behavior management plan in your setting.

    3. What did you think about the quality of the writing? Please consider the tone, structure and ideas. Does it suit the audience?

    Dix writes in a personable way that will appeal to readers. His belief in children is paramount to the success of this book and his useful tips, guides and -˜nuggets' empower readers to develop a positive, purposeful and consistent approach to behavior management.

    Dix's passion for consistency in adults (and how they deal with all forms of behaviour management in school) resonates throughout the book. He always keeps an eye on current educational issues, such as the number of children who have been on roll but leave during years seven to 11, and the ongoing debate around restorative vs punitive punishment. Dix says that having positive relationships with pupils depend on teachers defaulting to a restorative approach. He says that -˜punishment is not a good teacher'. He continues, -˜It is scattergun, random and disproportionate. Restorative approaches teach behavior. Simple.'

    Through detailed case studies, Dix offers insight from a range of settings and writes in a way that finds the reader nodding along in agreement or frantically scribbling notes and ideas to support and develop their own practice.

    4. Please discuss the research used to underpin the ideas. What evidence does the author use? Is it robust and up-to-date?

    Whether it be a case study, a reference or a footnote, the text is studded with a vast array of research from a range of sources. The research is widespread, for example Dix cites Hywell Roberts' Ooops! Helping Children Learn Accidentally when discussing the importance of -˜botheredness', alongside evidence from Who's left: the main findings (Education DataLab, 31 Jan 2017).

    In his case studies, Dix also cites Twitter links and initiatives such as -˜Hot Chocolate Friday' from headteacher Chris Dyson from Parklands Primary in Leeds. Every Friday, the children who have gone over and above get to sit with the headteacher for 15 minutes and have a cup of hot chocolate.

    5. What did you learn from reading the book? What ideas/approaches/practice will you change or adopt as a result of reading this book?

    This book reminded me of the importance of human interaction - how children thrive on genuine relationships with adults and the need for a whole-team approach to behavior management.

    Dix has given me lots of questions and starting points to think about when planning our behaviour management. For example, how do we identify children who go over and above? I will also return to his useful tips, for example the '30 second script' - a formal one-to-one intervention for poor behavior in class that lasts no longer than 30 seconds.

    I'm excited about introducing my pupils to -˜recognition boards' too. These are a simple way to advertise the behavior you do want and recognise the children who demonstrate that behavior by simply placing their name on a board. From now I will also be more conscious about reminding myself to thank all members of the school community (children and adults alike) for going over and above. I'm also sure the useful -˜testing', -˜nuggets' and -˜watch out for' section at the end of each chapter will also be regularly referenced.

    6. Could you share a quote from the book that particularly resonated with you?

    -˜Some adults simply give up too quickly.'

    -˜They know in a heartbeat those who talk the talk and those who walk the walk.'

    -˜Be kind, be humble, be nice.'

    -˜The most damaged children need the most certainty from you.'

    7. Please add any additional comments.

    Paul Dix sums it up nicely himself -˜a focus on adult behavior is the only responsible approach-¦.there is no limit to achievement'

    Click here to read the review on the Chartered College of Teaching website.
  11. Even with -˜expert' advice from consultants, self-proclaimed gurus, or politicians, managing behaviour in secondary schools is an art within itself. Different personalities, socio-economic conditions and expectations are all unique to each individual setting so no one slant on how to manage behaviour will suit all schools. Yet the role of pastoral care in many schools has evidently been diminished with the focus turning towards academic achievement in high stakes exam results, with pupils being reduced to -˜units of progress'. This is not only a UK shift in focus, with many jurisdictions around the world following a similar pattern.

    One main approach that works across many schools is a sense of consistency, with pupils and teachers knowing what is expected, along with visible kindness and respect among every within a school community. In his book “When the adults change, everything changes” Paul Dix explores some approaches in cultivating a school culture where visible consistency creates rapid seismic improvements in behaviour, even where the elusive magic behaviour solution is never quite within reach.

    Of course, one of the problems with consistency - in terms of schools - is the adults, not the pupils, and Paul argues that you just need the -˜brass neck' to challenge adult behaviour, and where consistency crumbles is when the expectations and consistent approach to policies is not respected from the school management downwards - every adult needs to be invested in a consistent approach, that will be understood and respected by pupils.

    Indeed, the book goes on to challenge certain classroom practices that -˜reward' unacceptable behaviour. For example, Paul advocates the use of -˜recognition boards', where excellent behaviour is noted (on a whiteboard), instead of adding the names of those show poor behaviour. How often have we used the -˜stick' of writing the names of those with bad behaviour, who see their name on the board (a reward)? The positive recognition board fosters a positive interdependence in the classroom with no prize or material reward - the aim is to have everyone listed on the board! With this in mind, Paul offers 9 great ways to sharpen your use of a recognition board which is worthy of note.

    The book continues apace encouraging educators to exercise a deliberate -˜botheredness' - showing pupils that you care and are interested; certainty in adult behaviour - knowing and understanding your own emotions and keeping them in check when challenged; keystone classroom routines - students appreciate and value a routine where they feel safe and know the expectations, so ask pupils to remind you of the routine before you ask them to enact it.

    Yet, most impactfully, the book concludes with a handy 30-day magic challenge for schools to strive towards in focusing on creating a positive behaviour culture - drawn from ideas shared in the book. Fundamentally, expecting a change overnight is unrealistic, but changing ideas, cultures and expectations over a 30-day period offers everyone within the community to practice some of the changes without any dire consequence, but keeping a record of current problems and reflecting upon starting points will help show how progress is being made during the period of change.

    This is a great book for schools where there is evidently a lack of consistency where behaviour management is involved. Offering a great mix of strategies, common-sense solutions, and realistic goals, Paul Dix has created an easy-to-read guide offering schools, in any environment, confidence and encouragement to create a school climate where all individuals earn respect through kindness, challenge and consistency.

    Click here to read the review on UKEdChat.
  12. Having worked with Pivotal Education for the last two years, I have seen the benefits that adopting Paul's consistent routines and kind approach to managing students' more challenging behaviours can have - not only for the atmosphere around school but also for the health and well-being of the staff. This book is an absolute must-read for anyone who feels caught up in the madness of endless internal behaviour referrals and detention-chasing. I've been there - it's exhausting!

    Through his writing, Paul brings a refreshing approach to the issues facing educators today with a mixture of hard-hitting questioning that will get you squirming about some of your own practice combined with fantastic, practical solutions that can be rolled out with ease for the benefit of all. Be prepared to face the odd expletive -¦ while the injections of humour will have you laughing out loud on the train!

    Whatever your setting, and whatever stage of the journey to getting off the punishment road you are on, you will find this book really helpful in maintaining the -˜drip, drip, drip' of consistency and kindness. I've been inspired to launch -˜legendary line-ups' in the staff briefing this morning-¦ and I may even get a goat!
  13. Paul Dix gets it. Paul lays out in plain terms the lessons he has learnt from his school experiences as a child, from his early days as a teacher and from leading significant behaviour change in many schools. This book is packed with practical advice that you can start using tomorrow: however, Paul makes it very clear that you must commit to working on your own behaviour before things will truly change. Paul pulls no punches - he will tell you why you are wasting your time with the punishment escalator and why you are becoming ever more frustrated by the child's seeming unwillingness to bend to your will.

    Paul Dix gets it. After reading this book, you will too.  
  14. This book is a game changer. Your students need you to read When the Adults Change, Everything Changes.

    Reading this book is like sitting down and having a coffee and a chat with Paul Dix while he lays out a road map showing you how to avoid pitfalls and transform lives. Rather than a list of quick behaviour tips, it offers a how-to mindset shift that sets staff (and students) up to win. If you came into teaching to make a difference, make this the next book you read.

    It's typically generous of Paul to create such a gift of a resource for trainees, teachers and veterans alike - a blueprint for building authentic relationships with students, even in seemingly impossible situations. 

    On a personal note, teachers like Paul (and like you if you choose to read this fantastic book) literally saved my life. It's not easy being a hero, but this book gives you all of the tools and wisdom you need to put your intentions into action.
  15. Paul has a non-judgemental approach and clearly wants to help solve some of the common behavioural issues found in schools today.

    An easy and entertaining read, the book offers concrete strategies to help teachers implement the ideas recommended. For example, the repeated use of certain -˜script' phrases is one of Paul's highlights and is a strategy I have used very successfully with young children.

    Paul has developed his philosophy from a wide range of mainstream primary, secondary and special schools based here and abroad.
  16. World-class expertise is hard won over the space of many years of devoted study and practice, and it is characterised by seeing the gaps in things, inhabiting them and getting to know every angle, every nuance of the bits of your subject that no one else has seen fit to investigate. Paul Dix is a world-class expert in behaviour management: his knowledge and experience seeps into the cracks of the formerly unknown. He is also possessed of a burning desire: to alter teacher behaviour so that our young people are taught in environments that nurture their burgeoning humanity with consistency, respect and empathy. As a practitioner from the sharp end, and a former naughty boy himself, he is alive to students' hurt, to the pain they sometimes bring to the school gates and to how our students' lives sometimes set them up with challenges that are too hard to bear; and he is acute at the ways in which an interested practitioner might manage the behaviours that result from such lives.

    You always learn something useful from engaging with Paul, and the fact that he writes with the old one-two of passion and compassion makes this learning easy and pleasurable. I have learnt much from this book that will shape and amend my future practice and whole-heartedly recommend it to even the most experienced teacher.
  17. When the Adults Change, Everything Changes is a fabulous, must-read book for all educators and people working with children and young adults.

    The strategies should be adopted by all schools as a blueprint for behaviour. If it were, it would dramatically improve learning, make children feel safer and positively change lives. This book oozes common sense and made me significantly reflect on my own practice. I can't wait to share this book with my colleagues and prove, with this evidence, that when the adults change, everything changes!
  18. Far from being just another book on behaviour, this is a blueprint for how behaviour should be in schools: starting from the simple premise that when the adults change, everything changes. Much of what is in this book is not rocket science - it is practical, day-to-day, common-sense advice written by an author who has more than earned his -˜behaviour stripes' in real schools, working in real classrooms with real children.

    Paul's ideas won't appeal to everyone. Some adults will find holding the mirror up to themselves and looking at how they manage behaviour in school far too uncomfortable. However, for the more enlightened who realise that how we have managed behaviour in the past is simply not the way to manage behaviour in the future, this book will be a revolutionary read. It is a book that you will go back to repeatedly and each time you will find something new to think about; potentially this is the book that could bring about seismic changes in the behaviour in your school.
  19. This book is a must-read for anyone who works with children or young people. Teachers, youth workers and support staff at the beginning of their careers will discover a wide range of useful strategies and explanations as they begin to tackle the sometimes mystifying behaviours exhibited by young people today. More seasoned leaders are guaranteed to find behaviour management gems that will both enhance and strengthen their toolkit. Paul's writing is incisive and challenging; it successfully conveys a clear sense of his extensive and dedicated experience of all sectors of education. I am particularly pleased to see his recognition of the wealth of valuable experience and excellent practice that can be found amongst staff who work within the alternative provision sector, who have long been undervalued. Each chapter of this book is themed and concludes with three helpful checklists - Testing, Watch out for and Nuggets - which the reader will return to again and again for reference.
  20. This book is a must-read for every school leader. If you want to create an inclusive school where children's behaviour is not only managed, but is changed as well, you should not miss out on reading this book.

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