Welcome to our #BookOfTheWeek 'Teaching on a Shoestring' by Russell Grigg and Helen Lewis

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

‹Discover and purchase your copy of our #BookOfTheWeek ˜Teaching on a Shoestring™ by Russell Grigg and Helen Lewis here now!

Take a look inside here.

œNot everything you do with your child has to cost money, says Helen Lewis. Check out Helen™s top 10 ideas for at-home learning on a shoestring here.

œA fantastic list of activities that can be used from everyday objects. Take a look at the brilliant review of ˜Teaching on a Shoestring™ our #BookOfTheWeek on UKEdChat here.

Why not take some time to find out a bit more about Russell Grigg and Helen Lewis the brilliant authors of our #BookOfTheWeek!

œA MUST read for all teachers, particularly those working in schools with poor budgets. Browse the fabulous 5* reviews of our #BookOfTheWeek on Amazon here now.

You can also head on over to our Twitter and Facebook platforms for more information on our #BookOfTheWeek!

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