Welcome to our #BookOfTheWeek 'Take Control of the Noisy Class' by Rob Plevin

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

 Discover 'Take Control of the Noisy Class' by Rob Plevin and purchase your copy here. And why not take a sneak peek inside the book here now!

Is your class becoming noisy as the summer holidays are fast approaching? If so, you need 'Take Control of the Noisy Class'! Packed with powerful, fast-acting behaviour management strategies for the classroom.

Check out the fantastic review of our #BookOfTheWeek on UKEdChat here.

"This video explains a four-step process to get students in the classroom, sat down and ready to work with minimal fuss and disruption" - watch here now!

"This book is perfect for anyone looking to improve their ability to manage the behaviour of their students!" Check out the fabulous 5* reviews of 'Take Control of the Noisy Class' our #BookOfTheWeek on Amazon here.

You can also head on over to our Twitter and Facebook platforms for more information on our #BookOfTheWeek!

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