Welcome to our #BookOfTheWeek 'Rocket up Your Class!' by Dave Keeling

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Are you looking for a creative opening, energising middle or big finish to a lesson? If so, you need our #BookOfTheWeek 'Rocket up Your Class!' by Dave Keeling.

Take a look inside our #BookOfTheWeek here now! 

Struggling to find ways to link Bonfire Night into your lessons? Then just pick out a relevant game, exercise or idea from this wonderful book and watch the fireworks go - here.

"A treasure of a book." Check out the fantastic reviews of our #BookOfTheWeek 'Rocket Up Your Class!' on Amazon here. Also available as a kindle edition here now.

Why not discover a bit more about Dave Keeling, author of our #BookOfTheWeek here.

You can also head on over to our Twitter and Facebook platforms for more information on our #BookOfTheWeek!

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