Welcome to our #BookOfTheWeek '15-Minute STEM' by Emily Hunt

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

‹Find out more about '15-Minute STEM' by Emily Hunt our #BookOfTheWeek and purchase your copy here.

This innovative resource has been designed to reassure teachers and parents that they don™t need to be experts to deliver high-quality STEM education. Why not take a sneak peek inside our #BookOfTheWeek here.

Watch Emily Hunt introducing her recently published title '15-Minute STEM' our #BookOfTheWeek here.

Why not spend a bit of time discovering a bit more about Emily Hunt, author of our #BookOfTheWeek here.

"Fantastic book filled with excellent, educational resources to keep all the family entertained!" Read the fabulous 5* reviews of our #BookOfTheWeek on Amazon here.

You can also head on over to our Twitter and Facebook platforms for more information on our #BookOfTheWeek!

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