We hope to see you all at The Welsh Assessment Conference 2017 taking place next week.

Friday, 2 June 2017

The Welsh Assessment Conference 2017

The guru™s 2017 guide to:

- Rejecting ˜teaching to the test™

- Accepting high-quality formative assessment

- Respond to the educational improvement plan™s focus on strengthening assessment

- Align assessment with the purpose of learning; assessing what matters

The Welsh government has acknowledged the weaknesses in its assessment framework and is fully acting on the recommendations of the Successful Futures report.

To address this national issue, the authors of one of the most famous and influential books in education, Inside the Black Box and other leading assessment players, are joining forces for one day only.

This once-in-a-lifetime event will:

- show why findings from 26 years ago are more important than ever in 2017

- align assessment with the purpose of learning; assessing what matters

- uncover new ways forward for assessment policies and practice

Who will benefit most from this conference?

- Headteachers, senior leaders and assessment leads from primary and secondary schools

- Multi Academy Trusts

- Teaching schools

What will you take back to school?

- 10 key assessment principles

- A wide range of assessment techniques to match to different required outcomes

Clarity on the future of: in-school formative assessment, in-school summative assessment, standardised summative assessment

- A staff training kit

Click here to learn more about the event and to book your place, and here to view the brochure.

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