The complete unfinished bundle

You can purchase all 3 titles for £50!

By: Mick Waters

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Published: February 2023

Get all 3 books, Unfinished Business, A Curious Curriculum and Thinking Allowed in a special bundle deal for just £50!


Edited by David Cameron, Steve Munby and Mick Waters, Unfinished Business: The life and legacy of Sir Tim Brighouse – a tribute and a call to action is a celebration of the extraordinary life and work of Sir Tim Brighouse and a compelling roadmap for educational progress. This book not only honors Tim’s legacy but also prompts the reader to grapple with the complexity of our schooling world, to think more widely, deeply and creatively about the future of education and, above all, to help young people create a better future.


Written by Claire Banks and Mick Waters, A Curious Curriculum: Teaching foundation subjects well details the insightful and transformational steps that a school can take towards designing and delivering a rich, rigorous and wide-ranging curriculum. 


Mick Waters has consistently been a down-to-earth voice in the increasingly complex world of education for many years. He has regularly endeared himself to school communities in the UK and overseas by talking the sort of sense they needed to hear - practical, challenging, inspiring, insightful, engaging. His unique perspective, closeness to the classroom and ability to see innovation in terms of its impact on learners mean his views are always worth listening to. In this long-awaited book, Thinking Allowed, Mick tells it how it is.


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Picture for author Mick Waters

Mick Waters

A former head teacher, Mick Waters works closely with teachers and leaders in schools, MATs and local authorities to support the development of teaching approaches and curriculum to ensure the best learning outcomes for children. For some years he was Director of Curriculum for England, based at the Qualification and Curriculum Authority (QCA), and before that held the post of Chief Education Officer for the City of Manchester. He is also invited to work at a policy level with government in different parts of the world. 

Click here to listen in on Mick's podcast with Pivotal Education - 'Mick Waters on Centralisation, OFSTED and Brilliant Schools'.


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