The Annual Head Of Sixth Form Conference is taking place tomorrow!

Thursday, 22 June 2017

JOIN OVER 100 SIXTH FORM LEADERS - FRIDAY 23 JUNE 2017 20% DISCOUNT for all online applications booked and paid for in May - £349 down to £279.20 Registration, breakfast & exhibition from 8.30am. Programme starts 9.35am. Ends 3.55pm. Nearest underground is Russell Sq. Each delegate will receive a USB flash drive packed with resources - employability materials, inspection resources, teaching and learning, intervention pack for your own in-house workshops, raising standards and marketing materials. This is one of the most practical conferences you will attend - which is why so many return each year.


Byron Parker, Co-Headteacher - Woolwich Polytechnic School

Gillian Bridge, Resilience Specialist - Former teacher, author, addiction therapist, trainer

Martin Griffin, author and trainer - Former Deputy Headteacher, Bluecoat School, Oldham

Kate Thomas - Head of Sixth, Crickhowell School

Dr. Steve Lambert, Lecturer - University of Chester

Andy Hartley, Deputy Headteacher - Brakenhale School

Michael Senior, Director of Sixth Form - Kingsbury High School

John Philip, ALPS - Education Consultant

Stephen Thomas, Higher Education Advisor - Freelance and teacher trainer

Nick Watts, Head of Sixth Form - Hall Cross Academy

Andra Groza, Digital Marketing, Aston University

Meghan Hughes, Apprentice

Chris McNamara, CEO Pathways CTM

Matthew Welbourn, Professional Development Manager, UCAS

Click here for more details.

Click here to book a last minute place!

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