Rethinking Education Podcast

Rethinking Ed podcast

We are collaborating with the Rethinking Education Podcast to bring you new episodes and a brand new co-host! 

Since its launch in 2020, James Mannion's Rethinking Education podcast has been a staple for teachers, school leaders and education policymakers alike. Now approaching its 100th episode and with over half a million downloads to date, it features in-depth conversations with a cast of fascinating guests from across the full spectrum of the educational ecosystem.


The podcast returned in late January 2025 with a new co-host, David Cameron, who co-edited the recently published Unfinished Business: The life and legacy of Sir Tim Brighouse – a tribute and a call to action.



Introducing the new co-host, (The Real David) Cameron

Welcome to this episode in which we get to know our new co-host, The Real David Cameron!

David Cameron is an incredible educator, public speaker and human being whose work I have admired for many years now. He has been a teacher, a senior manager in schools and in local authorities, most recently as Director of Children’s Services for Stirling Council.
He was President of the Association of Directors of Education Scotland and has been centrally involved in virtually every major development in Scottish education over the last 40 years. More recently he has been an independent speaker and consultant working across the UK and internationally.