Restorative Practice at Work by Lesley Parkinson is now available!

Thursday, 31 August 2023

We are pleased to announce that Restorative Practice at Work by Lesley Parkinson is now available!

Restorative Practice at Work: Six habits for improving relationships in healthcare settings demonstrates how anyone working in healthcare can draw on restorative practice to develop six habits that improve relationships and help to foster compassionate and inclusive workplace cultures.

Restorative practice is emerging in healthcare settings and systems as a highly effective means of improving relationships and enabling positive change. It consists of a set of theories, principles, skills and processes that shape our thinking around the way we interact with others. When restorative practice is adopted consistently within and between teams, it becomes ‘the way we do things round here’, a set of restorative practice ‘habits’ that we all recognise, use and refer to.  

Restorative Practice at Work identifies a set of six complementary habits which will help to change and improve everyday communications, conversations and accountability in healthcare. These habits demonstrate how restorative practice can help to improve day-to-day communications, in the form of behaviour, language and conversations, ease some of the daily challenges faced in healthcare and foster more effective working relationships, potentially leading to improvements in patient care and patient safety.

Find out more and get your copy of Lesley's new book here.

Take a sneak peek inside the book here!

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