A very interesting take on the use of language within therapy. It is not about interventions in the sense of how you use Gestalt or Time Line, for example, but about the language used by both the client and therapist. By truly listening to the phrases used by the client we can ascertain so much more about their issue.
The simplistic language used within this book should not be dismissed; it takes a lot of work to simplify complex issues and the use of language within a therapeutic situation. The book moves onto constructive questions and their use and power within therapy. Once again the author manages to write about this in an ingenious manner.
As the book progresses there is guidance about combining some of the MiniMax interventions which will be very helpful, especially for the newly qualified practitioner. I have no doubt that this book will be a wonderful reference tool that all therapists will dip into on a regular basis within their practice.
Guest|04/01/2017 00:00
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