Scripts and Strategies in Hypnosis for Children sets out to address the psychological problems which beset children and young people between the ages of 5 and 15 and will be a much-needed addition to the hypnotherapy practitioner's reading repertoire. This book should be on the bookshelf of every serious professional hypnotherapeutic practitioner who wishes to work with children and minors.
Lynda Hudson introduces Scripts and Strategies in Hypnosis for Children by highlighting the fact that working with this client-group can be both rewarding and stimulating because imagination is an integral part of the everyday existence of children and young people. The author then wisely advises the hypnotherapy practitioner to apply age-appropriate methodology, to ensure client and parental compliance and to follow national legislation and guidelines.
The premise of the work utilizes a solution-focused approach and takes the reader through a procedure of investigation into what can realistically be achieved by the client within the family setting.
Scripts and Strategies in Hypnosis for Children effectively provides a veritable vade mecum which outlines the nature, the scope and numerous treatment strategies for assisting children and minors with a comprehensive plethora of presenting symptoms, such as self-esteem, bladder and bowel function control, habit disorders, motor-neuron disorders, anxieties states, obsessive-compulsive disorders, behavioural disorders and learning difficulties.
The book, consequently, provides all that the working professional will ever need with an abundance of scripts, suggestions for scripts, checklists and useful tips throughout.