Christine Guilloux PhD, DESS
A second edition of The Sourcebook of Magic has recently been issued. It offers an opportunity to have an overview of the many basic patterns NLP has produced for transformation and excellence. Seventy-seven patterns are described with questions that are key questions to guide a client.

“NLP is frequently referred to as a technology and, in part, it is. Those sci-ence fiction dystopias that depict a world where technology has gone out of con-trol remind us that while technology can make a good servant, it makes a very bad master. The same could be said of any advanced technology, including NLP.” quotes Ian Mc Dermott, an experienced NLP trainer in the UK (Pages IX & X). Introducing the book, he insists on the cautions we have to take in using such a technology, which can be extremely powerful when appropriately used. He has been pleased and surprised by the uses that have been made by some trainees in the domains of justice and politics. He focuses our attention on the possible misunderstandings, misuses, or derived uses of this technology.

This guide is first devoted to the therapist, as a person, because the most important relationship in anyone's life is your relationship to yourself. And what makes NLP efficient at a most basic level is that it can enable practitioners to become aware of the presuppositions that underlie their thinking, emotions and behavior, and to be more influential with themselves. One must put his own house in order to be in a state to help others achieve a successful outcome.
Coaches, therapists, psychologists, trainers, and managers can make good use of this guide in different areas of their lives, such as dealing with emotions, with language, thinking, meaning and strategies

In what ways, can there be “magic” in this sourcebook? “The term rather refers to the seemingly wild and wonderful and magical effects (the changes and transformations) that occur when we know the structure of experience” says Hall (page vii). And this hidden magic is in the language we speak. The magic is what happens in the mind-body-emotion system when words and processes lead peo-ple to alter their maps and create a different reality.

This guide offers a wide range of patterns, including: patterns for running other patterns; patterns for building empowering self-images; patterns for man-aging emotional states; patterns for communicating with precision, clarity and empowerment; Sorting patterns for enhancing neuro-semantic reality; patterns for building empowering action plans.

The collection of NLP patterns are succinctly presented with new insights into the cognitive-behavioral mechanisms that make the neuro-linguistic and neuro-semantic approach so powerful. For those who aren't that familiar with NLP, there is a presentation of the NLP model. This book is mainly addressed to professionals who already know NLP. The Sourcebook of Magic is a reference book I highly recommend for developing better resources in one's self and in others.
Guest | 24/04/2007 01:00
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