Product reviews for Making The Leap

Dr Tim Jefferis, Deputy Head, Oswestry School
Those of us who know Jill vicariously through Twitter are already aware of what a force for good she is in education. True to form, she has written an extremely thorough and well-researched book in which she explores the journey from deputy to head.

In the introduction, Jill suggests that this may not be the kind of book you read from cover to cover, but I found myself devouring it voraciously. The book is based on Jill's primary research - research which involved shadowing six senior leaders over the period from appointment to headship, through the lead-in and into their first few months as an incumbent. Being based on these real, deeply human stories and peppered with Jill's own first-hand experiences, the advice that comes through is authentic and practical. As someone who's been through several headship interviews (so far unsuccessfully) I found Jill's advice on putting together an application and preparing for the interview process hugely useful. But more than this, it was her advice on coping with the disappointment of rejection that really made an impression on me. True to form, she is searingly honest about her own experiences of failure and how she coped with these. Jill has an upbeat, positive message to all those who have ever tried and failed - with practical advice on how to learn from the experience and bounce back.

The later stages of the book deal with those first few days, weeks and months in post. They are a must-read for all those who aspire to headship and want someone who's been there before to give them an idea of what it might be like. I finished the book inspired, reassured and determined to continue my bid to become a head teacher. Jill is clear - for those with the right temperament it is the best job in the world.
Guest | 01/09/2016 01:00
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