Children and adults alike will love the whimsical, charming tale of Bob and his meandering journey through the seasons in his little boat. James Garner has created a book that brilliantly celebrates the wonders of nature, the countryside and life's simple pleasures. And, as he's an artist too, he has gorgeously captured the ever-changing flora and fauna of the seasons in richly coloured, vibrant landscapes.
Aside from the wonderful story and illustrations, the book has an educational side. At the back, kids can discover interesting little facts about the many quirky-looking creatures hidden within the pages - got to love Gassy Gary, Whiffy William and Pungent Peter, the stinkbugs.
Bob and the River of Time is a delightful tale - old-fashioned in its telling, modern in its execution - that tells us to appreciate the beauty of life around us. It's a book sure to put a smile on anyone's face. In the words of my five-year-old boy, -˜It's very, very, very fantastic.'