Product reviews for Trivium in Practice

John T Morris BA(Hons),MEd,MPhil,CertEd, Director at Ymgynghorwyr Addysg JTM Educational Consultants
At the heart of the trivium of promoting grammar, dialectic and rhetoric skills within the classroom is debate, dialogue, reading, writing, critical thinking, self expression and creativity. I was intrigued and enthused by some excellent views of practitioners, in particular the reports by Tom Sherrington and members of his team at Highbury Grove School. The accounts of their experiences in developing the theory into practice in the application of the -˜three part trivium structure' were thought provoking and illustrated clearly the practical implications and pitfalls. Within all the -˜essays' there is a clear link to thought provoking ideas developed by Martin Robinson. The emphasis within the text is on a discourse of the practical adaptation of Robinson's ideas with a view to inspiring and promoting the confidence of the reader to take forward the ideas into their own practice. I wish I had read this thought-provoking book when I taught at a non selective secondary modern school on the Portobello Road.
Guest | 06/07/2016 01:00
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