Product reviews for Hypnosis

Deborah Rose, Chartered Marketer

I love this book. It's content not only trains anyone mastering hypnosis skills to come from an inner position, which pulsates with unconditional positive expectations. It combines this attitude with clear practical steps and procedures that practitioners direct and use to guide clients in trance to hold their outcomes for themselves. Highly satisfying.


Content of the book, authors approach to the subject and authors conclusion

In each of the following chapters, the authors offer a picture of how an overview of the topic links in with some important and specific details. This is very evident in the chapters: Introduction to the mind/body connection, and brief history of hypnosis. Additionally, options for those of us who like alternative ways of learning the procedures of trance are also presented.

You can notice how good you really are, whilst improving your existing skill base, and gaining some new skills through reading the well-written Milton model patterns of hypnotic language chapter. Further mastery is offered to the reader in the utilization chapter by investigating the options and procedures for making use of what is going on in the actual stages of trance inducement. The next treat in the book comes from the releasing of concerns or worries about what to do at the beginning of a session with a client. In an enjoyable manner, the chapters describe talking to clients as you take their personal history. Emphasizing the necessary pre talk and suggestibility tests used in those stages in enjoyable ways. Reliably, more of the highest skills are described in the chapters dealing with the Stages of hypnosis, deepening techniques and post hypnotic suggestions. Without fail the book acquaints the reader with Ericksonian and Elman. Their methods, inductions and interventions are dependably put in plain words. It is the appendix, bibliography and index, which make the book a reliable resource for academic environments.

Book placed in the context of its field. Its significance within the field It helps anyone who is willing to take control of his or her skill base.

Strengths and weaknesses:

Increasing the value of the text is its focus on the fundamentals as its basics. It then forms the jump of point for many applications in many environments. This potential could be flagged up in the appendix or some other part of the text. This will continue to sustain readers who are not from a therapeutic background. Initially, this type of development could be highlighted possibly in a table or some other graphic. Continuously appreciating the power of its applications can help all sorts of markets invite the use of this text into their training. Spin off texts can be written to help them specifically to make use of hypnotic language patterns in their practice. This so called weakness provides a welcome opportunity for the authors to continue to help guide a broader market, or at least inspire others to develop their specialism with ethical hypnotic language.

Another opportunity for the text is that it can help to increase the reader's ability to value the link between shamanism, and today's modern 'village helpers and healers'. This opportunity is possibly best found in the mind/body connection chapter.

How successful is the text in meeting its goals:

Experience has its rewards. And this book thrives because it pinpoints the necessary for the reader, which is derived from the author's profound familiarity with the practice of the subject. Very satisfying to know your in the hands of top level experts.

How well suited to target

Well suited to existing market.


Regarding the academic market

Summaries at the end of each section which reconfirm the outstanding aspects of the section
Summary to include for the academic market, an annotated bibliography, a series of suggestive essay type questions (e.g. compare and contrast, describe, etc).
Support for academics in the form of example lesson plans (possibly free the Web)
Model questions and answers to simple questions found in the summary. Comment on issues regarding assessment is necessary in an academic environment. So examples of how assessment could pass an academic environment would be essential.
Guest | 14/09/2004 01:00
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