Product reviews for Ego State Therapy

Pat Doohan, National Council of Psychotherapists
This book will he a very useful addition to any therapist's library and particularly beneficial to those new to the profession, in that it will give them an even greater grasp of the technique known to many as “Parts Therapy”.

Although the book is, in essence, based on the Watkins' Ego State Therapy, the author has built on the technique and used innovative ways of expanding its use. Some of the case studies in' the book are fascinating and are used to enable the reader to more easily understand how the technique works and the uses it can be put to. I must confess that I had never thought of using the therapy in some of the ways that the author does and can see that its use could be expanded in any number of different directions, thus enabling the therapist to do brief therapy with many clients who might have been considered too difficult to treat quickly.

Gordon Emmerson has drawn on some of the different therapies which use these techniques, including Transactional Analysis. Gestalt Therapy and Voice Dialogue Therapy and he illustrates how Ego Stale Therapy can be incorporated into and used alongside almost any discipline to very good effect.

I found this book very enjoyable and easy to understand and I felt as if I'd added considerably to my tool-box after reading it.
Guest | 14/09/2004 01:00
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