Product reviews for The Life Coaching Handbook

Mark Bradley
This book was an interesting read it uses a metaphor that life coaching can be compared to motorway maintenance and construction. It fills and removes the ruts of life to build a smooth surface. Then life's journey takes the traveller to the destinations that they really want to visit, rather than remain in the slow lane of inactivity, drifting without purpose or direction.

The book looks in some depth in dealing with the whole of the clients life balance and aims to improve the imbalances.

It covers the importantce of body language and the use of tonality when working with clients, it informs us about the skills in framing and reframing. It examines different working models such as Meta language which looks at the strengths and weakness of language patterns, which is linked with the Milton model using artfully vague language. It briefly looks at NLP and the representational system of clients.
The I CAN DO model looks really workable;

I - Investigate what's important to the client.
C- what is their Current life situation.
A- what are the Aims in life.
N- Number of alternatives.

D- By what Date do they want to achieve their aims.
O- What are the Outcome and achievement indicators.

The book explores Coaching versus Counselling - therapy and the differences, breaking them down in a clear way. It gives a variety of information on different types of clients who see things in a global context and those who see things in a specific context.

I found the Spiral Coaching Model very interesting which consists of six different colours representing different codes of types of thinking patterns that the client could possibly adopt in the sessions. It also touches on Matters of State, looking at being in a resourceful state before, during and after the coaching session. It also incorporates anchoring techniques.
Guest | 27/06/2011 01:00
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