Product reviews for Teaching Toward Solutions

Garry Burnett author Learning to Learn and Parents First
This is a book packed with wisdom, detailed approaches to conflict resolution and 'historical' accounts drawn together to illuminate the path to the successful management of behaviour and change. I found it highly readable, revelatory, in parts movingly funny and yet all the time studiously observant and convincing, defining the exasperations that educators, parents and managers of people face when dealing with the assertive and disenchanted young.

Linda Metcalf presents a joyously eclectic celebration of good practice which she rationalises into 'towards solutions' systems, defining its success according to her highly intelligent and optimistic end-vision. As a parent and teacher I will take away bags of tips, structures and good practical ideas and my own thinking about behaviour management will certainly never be the same again.
Guest | 15/09/2004 01:00
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