Product reviews for Educational Research

Teach Secondary Magazine, Issue 5.4
-‹Engaging effectively with education research is something that can enhance any teacher's CPD journey - and this accessible and informative book is the perfect introductory guide whether you are looking to take a higher degree; investigate a topic in order to inform and improve practice in your school; or simply want to be able to look beyond the media headlines whenever the results of a new study related to teaching and learning are announced. Setting out the importance of a strong and transparent ethical framework from the outset, Phil Wood and Joan Smith present all the stages of what good research looks like, enabling readers both to recognise and replicate it for themselves. From identifying the right questions in order to generate the most useful responses, to ensuring your language is unequivocal and unbiased throughout, every step of the process is clearly explained and illustrated, with plenty of helpful anecdotes, case studies and models along the way.
Guest | 23/05/2016 01:00
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