Product reviews for Making Every Lesson Count

Hélène Galdin-O'Shea, English and Media teacher, Research Advocate
I hadn't read an 'edu' book with such glee in a long time. No gimmicks there. No patronising. No box-ticking. No magic bullet. A book which speaks to professionals, structured around 6 core principles, anchored in a wealth of experience and evidence. 

I wish I had been given this book when I first started teaching, but actually, I think it addresses experienced teachers just as much if not more. It provides nuanced discussions, effective strategies, and bravely ends each chapter with a section asking difficult questions, considering the potential pitfalls.

The tone is set in the introduction when the phrase 'independent learning' is tackled head on. I was sold there and then! Their approach also considers how valid principles have led to unreasonable school policies and how to avoid that, inviting curriculum leaders to pause and think before considering launching new initiatives which might counter-productively impact on teacher workload, thereby causing more harm than good. All the chapters dissect aspects of classroom practice with verve and wisdom, ending with a chapter looking at embedding the core principles at a whole school level - with a lucid discussion of the clear need for more effective CPD. 

This is truly the kind of book you will want to share with all your colleagues. Thank you, Shaun and Andy. This book was needed!
Guest | 17/05/2015 01:00
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