John T. Morris, Director, JTM Educational Consultants
John Tomsett draws on his extensive experience as a head teacher to reflect on the success of his leadership ideas in an easily read style that will inspire readers to take forward many of his ideas. He sets out his philosophy about creating rapport with students and staff in no uncertain terms, -˜my strongly held belief is that if the head teacher is not teaching, or engaged in helping others to improve their teaching, in his school, then he is missing the point.' The text is full of ideas linked to Tomsett's personal experiences linked also to quotations from a wide range of sources. The rebellious side of Tomsett is clearly evident when he describes his success and personal enjoyment in teaching the tough classes. I found the sections on teaching the tough classes, explanations and creating the conditions for growth particularly interesting. 

This is an enthralling and easily read text, linked to examples of outstanding practice and realistic theoretical evidence, which will stimulate, support and extend the confidence of the reader to reflect on their current practice.
Guest | 02/11/2015 00:00
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