Jill Berry Educational Consultant, former Head Teacher
I've rated John Tomsett as a head teacher and a commentator on education for some years now, so I had high expectations when I sat down to read this book. I have to say it exceeded them. It's full of the characteristic warmth, wit and wisdom readers of John's -˜This much I know-¦' blog will already be familiar with.

Through autobiographical vignettes John shows clearly where his strong sense of moral purpose, as a school leader and as a human being, is grounded. He then moves to the educational focus of each chapter, and concludes with practical -˜This much I know about-¦' bullet-point advice.

I found the book readable, refreshing and uplifting. John's conviction that improving the quality of teaching (and not simply focussing on the performance of teachers) should be the key focus of leadership is based on his experience and his personal knowledge informed by his extensive reading. It has much to offer teachers, and leaders at all levels, and it allows a fascinating insight into how this remarkable leader was formed, and subsequently developed. John lives the values he espouses.

So I'm sorry the professional golfing career didn't work out, John.

But I'm not, really-¦.
Guest | 12/05/2015 01:00
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