Product reviews for The Trainer's Toolkit

Training Journal Deborah Broomfield-Carter,
THIS BOOK IS MORE THAN A TRAINER'S TOOLKIT. It is a user-friendly and informative resource that can be used by professionals from a variety of disciplines.

The resource covers both new and existing ground with a dynamic approach. Accelerated learning techniques are brought to life through graphics, human-interest stories, humour and science. The connection between the mind, body and soul, and our environment in relation to effective learning is excellently illustrated.

The book is divided into three main parts. Part 1 describes the principles of brain-friendly learning and the fact that it is a more creative way of imparting information to the learner; it is described as a movement to recover the joy of learning; “combining sizzle with substance!'

Part 2 focuses on brain-friendly design and the principles of implementation that are divided into five main areas: Keep it real ” ensuring that there is ownership of learning and that the activity designed is related to business goals. Facilitate creation - ensuring that the activity has meaning and value for the learner. Honour uniqueness - asks the facilitator to recognise differences in learners' behaviour and how we react to information. State is everything - the authors reiterate that learners must be in the right state to benefit from their learning experiences and gives specific examples for encouraging a healthy state. Make it rich and multisensory- this section advises that learning activities need to be developed to appeal to all the learners' senses. Activities should incorporate movement, colour, simulation, discussion and real life projects.

Part 3 talks about the importance of compelling goals within the learning experience and brain-friendly learning. Examples for keeping the experience real and relevant to the learner are recommended from the development of the event to its delivery. The book reinforces the position that if brain-friendly learning techniques are introduced, effectively, learners should feel energized and motivated to implement their learning in the workplace.
Guest | 16/09/2005 01:00
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